Streaming or downloading porn (among other things) on the Internet in the Netherlands? Frustrated with your bandwidth always being monitored and throttled by your Internet Service Provider for suspicion of illegal downloads? Never fear! A new Net Neutrality law is here!
Yes, the Dutch Parliament just voted Net Neutrality into law making the Netherlands the first European country ever to do so. The law prohibits ISPs from slowing down a customer's web traffic when the customer seems to be using an inordinate amount of bandwidth. It also prohibits advertisers from leaving cookies in users' browsers without permission. They are the second country in the world to approve Net Neutrality. Chile was the first.
ISPs are not happy. They, obviously, would like to be able to control what their customers do on their network. They say unchecked bandwidth use will grind their networks to a halt. It appears the government believes that's just their tough luck.