Mark I. Chester is a gay radical sex photographer who’s documented his life in San Francisco's sexual underground since the late 1970s in fine-art black and white, and now in digital photography. People of all genders, orientation and sexual styles commission him to create images for erotic portraiture and online profiles. Here, Chester shares proven tips from his experience as a professional hot smut and erotic photographer.
What should people think about before taking a profile photo?
The most important things to think about and get clear for your self are:
1. What are you erotic and sexual interests? What are you looking for, erotically and sexually?
2. What roles, personalities and identities go along with your sexual interests?
3. What clothing, gear, fetish wear or toys do you have that will help identify your interests?
4. Images you post, even on private sites, can end up becoming public. Are you willing to publicly expose your face, identifying personal tattoos or other marks? If you need discretion, you can take images that do not include a clear view of your face for public posting. But always have a face pix to share with someone when you make that personal connection.
5. Pay attention to the kind of images that get your attention when you are online. Conversely, what kinds of images just dim your interest?
6. Consider the setting. You don't have to be in an expensive playroom. A blank wall, an empty hallway, or even a sheet hung to give you a blank background can work. It is hard to take a master seriously if the background looks like your mother's living room.
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons for erotic profile photos taken by an individual for his or her own profile, by a friend or by a professional photographer?
Many people take self-portraits. It is time consuming to get a good shot that way, but it is economical. With a bit of creativity, you can come up with some interesting shots. Avoid images looking into a mirror holding a camera where the flash whites out your face.
Boring and overdone.
You don't need an expensive camera. I have seen some very creative shots done with web cams and cell phones. Think outside the box.
It can help to have a friend take some shots for you. It is economical, but the quality of your shots will be limited by your friend's skill. However, we don't always want to reveal our personal, sexual interests to our friends. More often than not, people tell me that they just couldn't get 100% comfortable being erotic and sexy in front of their friends.
Professional photographers are likely to have good equipment and some technical skills, but that doesn't always translate to being able to create interesting erotic work. I suggest that people find a community photographer or artist who specifically deals with erotic portraiture or the sexual underground.
What are some ingredients for a fabulous erotic profile photo?
Be sure to get plenty of sleep and eat well so that you look well rested and healthy. Make sure your hair is washed and properly styled (even if that is no style) and that your finger and toe nails are cut and clean. Make sure that your clothes are clean and don't have any holes or stains or unfortunate commercial logos. (Harley Davidson could be a hot logo if you are a biker, but logos for popular soft drinks are uncool.) And be sure to have clothes and toys/gear that reflect your personal interests.
For the shoot itself, in order to have the image look right when posted, you have to be in the right mood and space. You've heard the term "make love to the camera" and while it sounds silly, it makes sense. When that photo pops up on the computer screen, the other party wants to see you looking at them, like you ARE looking at them and interested. No one is going to be interested if you look bored, uptight, uncomfortable, unhappy, or you look like you have a sour personality. Think about someone you find attractive and when you look at the camera, think about them — as if you are taking the photo just for them.
I don't mind a good cock or cunt shot as long as it isn't the only image you are showing. If it is the only image you are showing, your cock or cunt had better be so visually impressive that everyone will stop to take a second look. Otherwise, I think genital shots can add interest to other images in your profile, if they are done creatively.
And men, don't ever aim the camera down at your dick to take a dick shot. A hard dick can be a beautiful thing, but that particular shot is very unattractive.
If someone came to you and said "I can't show my face. I hate my body. " What advice do you give them?
I hear that all the time.
The proper clothing and lighting can do a lot to improve how someone's body looks. Although photographers can't change reality, we can shade the way reality is viewed.
There are ways to hide your identity and still show your personality. Please, don't just chop the heads off a bunch of photos in your profile. That's a big turn off.
If you are into kink, it is easy to hide your identity with a mask or hood or blindfold. Even sunglasses or a hat or having the head turned or angled down can help mask your identity.
What should people think about before taking a profile photo?
The most important things to think about and get clear for your self are:
1. What are you erotic and sexual interests? What are you looking for, erotically and sexually?
2. What roles, personalities and identities go along with your sexual interests?
3. What clothing, gear, fetish wear or toys do you have that will help identify your interests?
4. Images you post, even on private sites, can end up becoming public. Are you willing to publicly expose your face, identifying personal tattoos or other marks? If you need discretion, you can take images that do not include a clear view of your face for public posting. But always have a face pix to share with someone when you make that personal connection.
5. Pay attention to the kind of images that get your attention when you are online. Conversely, what kinds of images just dim your interest?
6. Consider the setting. You don't have to be in an expensive playroom. A blank wall, an empty hallway, or even a sheet hung to give you a blank background can work. It is hard to take a master seriously if the background looks like your mother's living room.
What are your thoughts on the pros and cons for erotic profile photos taken by an individual for his or her own profile, by a friend or by a professional photographer?
Many people take self-portraits. It is time consuming to get a good shot that way, but it is economical. With a bit of creativity, you can come up with some interesting shots. Avoid images looking into a mirror holding a camera where the flash whites out your face.
Boring and overdone.
You don't need an expensive camera. I have seen some very creative shots done with web cams and cell phones. Think outside the box.
It can help to have a friend take some shots for you. It is economical, but the quality of your shots will be limited by your friend's skill. However, we don't always want to reveal our personal, sexual interests to our friends. More often than not, people tell me that they just couldn't get 100% comfortable being erotic and sexy in front of their friends.
Professional photographers are likely to have good equipment and some technical skills, but that doesn't always translate to being able to create interesting erotic work. I suggest that people find a community photographer or artist who specifically deals with erotic portraiture or the sexual underground.

What are some ingredients for a fabulous erotic profile photo?
Be sure to get plenty of sleep and eat well so that you look well rested and healthy. Make sure your hair is washed and properly styled (even if that is no style) and that your finger and toe nails are cut and clean. Make sure that your clothes are clean and don't have any holes or stains or unfortunate commercial logos. (Harley Davidson could be a hot logo if you are a biker, but logos for popular soft drinks are uncool.) And be sure to have clothes and toys/gear that reflect your personal interests.
For the shoot itself, in order to have the image look right when posted, you have to be in the right mood and space. You've heard the term "make love to the camera" and while it sounds silly, it makes sense. When that photo pops up on the computer screen, the other party wants to see you looking at them, like you ARE looking at them and interested. No one is going to be interested if you look bored, uptight, uncomfortable, unhappy, or you look like you have a sour personality. Think about someone you find attractive and when you look at the camera, think about them — as if you are taking the photo just for them.
I don't mind a good cock or cunt shot as long as it isn't the only image you are showing. If it is the only image you are showing, your cock or cunt had better be so visually impressive that everyone will stop to take a second look. Otherwise, I think genital shots can add interest to other images in your profile, if they are done creatively.
And men, don't ever aim the camera down at your dick to take a dick shot. A hard dick can be a beautiful thing, but that particular shot is very unattractive.
If someone came to you and said "I can't show my face. I hate my body. " What advice do you give them?
I hear that all the time.
The proper clothing and lighting can do a lot to improve how someone's body looks. Although photographers can't change reality, we can shade the way reality is viewed.
There are ways to hide your identity and still show your personality. Please, don't just chop the heads off a bunch of photos in your profile. That's a big turn off.
If you are into kink, it is easy to hide your identity with a mask or hood or blindfold. Even sunglasses or a hat or having the head turned or angled down can help mask your identity.
Some great suggestions. Thanks Midori and Mark. Good lighting, a bit of mystere, and making love to the camera even if one's face is obscured makes for an engaging photograph.
Love the tips, even for non kinky situations! I've yet to post a photo of myself so will need to work on getting some up soon.
I love your insite, thank you for sharing.
I might have to play with some of these ideas for the Photography Club and learn how my camera works.