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Christianity Today Blog Opposes Vibrators, Orgasms for Single Women

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Contributor: Jaimes

Insight and self-discovery should be encouraged. I don't enjoy conversing with someone's butt because their head is in the sand.

Contributor: Twisted Angel

I think what irritates me the most about this is the fact that vibrators and stimulation were once performed in the doctor's office to cure 'anxiety' in women. The doctors discovered that when a woman was brought to orgasm her stress levels and fears decreased, proving that acting like sex was for procreation only and not to be enjoyed by both parties, had a detrimental effect on women. For the longest time it was an acceptable practice to be performed by a doctor. I find it very close minded and actually very anti christian to suggest that sex is not supposed to be pleasurable for both parties. How easy it is for them to complain about what they view as negative when not one word was ever mentioned biblically concerning it. However I would point out Song of Solomon which is a total book dedicated to arousal and sexual intimacy and how important it was to both parties and God.

Contributor: LadyDarknezz

I consider myself an Christian and I use vibrators. Do I think it's wrong, well, no. There was a point in time when I did, but then I thought that God would want me to be happy. Ever since I got sick, I just pretty much began to lie in bed and hope to fade away sooner than later. Those negative thoughts subsided substantially once I started using sex toys to alleviate the stress and the sometimes even the severe pain I'm in due to my pancreas condition.
