Well, it seems Apple's caved to pressure. Again. Must suck to be so spineless.
In any case, an "ex-gay app" was developed by Exodus International to "be a useful resource for men, women, parents, students, and ministry leaders." A useful resource in conversion therapy, that is. Truth Wins Out, a LGBT activist group, was disgusted with Apple's perceived seal of approval, so they put a petition on Change.org that got over 150,000 signatures.
And Apple, as you might have guessed by now, removed the app, citing “developer policy,” as they did with an app they removed last year that was developed by Manhattan Declaration, a group that speaks out against gay marriage.
"It violates our developer guidelines by being offensive to large groups of people," Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr told CNET.
"Apple made a wise and responsible decision to dump an offensive app that demonized gay and lesbian people," Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out, said in a statement. "The real winners today are LGBT youth who are safer and less at risk for receiving Exodus' malice and misinformation."
So much for free speech, we guess, but that is the Apple Way—don’t offend anyone. Here's hoping TWO is right about LGBT youth.