Did you hear the one about the woman who traveled all the way to Brooklyn from Wisconsin in response to a Craigslist ad? Originally she told police that she agreed to cook and clean in exchange for a place to stay. But when she got there, the man she was going to live with, John Hopkins, imprisoned her and kept her as a sex slave for eight days before she was found chained to a radiator in his home. Hopkins “released” her long enough to go shopping and she called her mother. Her mother called the NYPD.
Hopkins, who says the entire relationship was consensual, faces sixteen charges.
“A woman says anything happened to them in New York state, and they believe her and not the man,” Hopkins told the Daily News. “Everything they’re saying I did was consensual. She could have left if she wanted to, but she didn’t.”
The woman's credibility plummeted when it came to light through various emails sent back and forth from accuser to accused that the S&M was consensual. And then a report surfaced stating that Hopkins' accuser's blood alcohol level tested at more than twice the legal amount after reporting the attack to police.
To further devastate the prosecution's case, the “victim” has flitted off, leaving no indication of whether or not she'll be returning. When asked if Prosecutor Christina Fay was going to be able to produce her witness, she replied to the judge, “I will almost make every effort to try.”
So Hopkins is sitting in prison while the Brooklyn district attorney’s office chases around a hostile witness. Sounds like justice to us.
Hopkins, who says the entire relationship was consensual, faces sixteen charges.
“A woman says anything happened to them in New York state, and they believe her and not the man,” Hopkins told the Daily News. “Everything they’re saying I did was consensual. She could have left if she wanted to, but she didn’t.”
The woman's credibility plummeted when it came to light through various emails sent back and forth from accuser to accused that the S&M was consensual. And then a report surfaced stating that Hopkins' accuser's blood alcohol level tested at more than twice the legal amount after reporting the attack to police.
To further devastate the prosecution's case, the “victim” has flitted off, leaving no indication of whether or not she'll be returning. When asked if Prosecutor Christina Fay was going to be able to produce her witness, she replied to the judge, “I will almost make every effort to try.”
So Hopkins is sitting in prison while the Brooklyn district attorney’s office chases around a hostile witness. Sounds like justice to us.