Editor's Note: The following article is a description of a rather intense scene involving piercing, needles and blood. You've been warned!
It was about eleven thirty when we arrived, and the play party was going full swing. The dungeon was crowded. I greeted several friends while we looked for suitable play space.
My tormenter that evening, K, asked me something about needles, and I smiled. I am fascinated by that particular type of pain, and replied that I thought it would be a fine idea. I’ve done some play with needles, commonly known as “temporary piercing” among people in the BDSM scene. The business end of hypodermic needles are most often used to pierce the skin: sometimes in decorative patterns, sometimes simply to bring forth blood and to play with the pain pf penetration.
K really wanted the flat body board suspended from chains in the middle of the floor for our play. K began her setup, pulling a series of small white boxes from her worryingly small toy bag, and casually mentioned that she was in possession of quite a few needles.
And she was feeling particularly generous tonight.
I removed my clothing, moving to lay face down on the chilly board. “Wait, ” she said, and I paused in my decent. Hands in the hair on the back of my head rough demanding kisses send my head spinning, my lips parting to admit her tongue, cunningly capturing my bottom lip between sharp teeth. That moment, and then there is no doubt It Had Begun.
There were thumb cuffs, secured to both opposable digits, serrated edges nibbling on the sensitive web of skin between thumb and index finger. My special blanket, one I took with me for post-scene come-down, came in quite handy, rolled up to form a pillow. I settled into the table breathing deeply to relax. Alcohol prep to my arm, from elbow to just past the armpit. The tearing sounds of the first hypodermic needle wrapper and in the corner of my eye, the chilly gleam of steel approaching my willing skin. The push, lanced with heat, my breath, a sharp intake, and the needle is in my skin. A wound, a long push, a second wound making me shiver. Stillness. A second needle, maybe two inches away from the first, and the pain is greater this time.
I wince, but lay still. It seems to be taking so long for the dart to traverse the layers of skin it violates. Third needle and I realize that she is using almost the whole of the length of the needle to spear my flesh. Unlike most other piercings I have had done to me, the majority of her needles are in under my skin; only the cap and a small segment of the tip protrudes.
Seven more needles and the web of serpentine pain extends from near elbow to past my shoulder, under my arms. I monitor my breathing carefully, as I do so automatically. A spool of bright orange cord, thin yet strong, now sits beside my head. K unwound a section of it, looping it and placing the first loop over the first needle. Working deftly, she laced the orange cord and wound it over and under each needle, forming a latticework that contrasts beautifully with my brown skin as it embraced my flesh. She pulled on the needles and re-ignited them to a little song of pain. Threading the ends of the cord through the conveniently placed slots that pierce the table, winding them about, she has now secured me to the board with little room to move. That is, if I want my flesh to remain intact.
She moves to the other side of the table, I turn my head to follow her. The cold cleansing again. I feel the needles on my left side. Ten in all. Will she do the same on the right side? The first needle on the right side goes in so slowly!
I wail under my breath. My voice begins to give out and my moans have an odd unmodulated sound to them. Fifth needle, under my arm and fuck fuck fuck why does it hurt so much? I start to shake. Needle pain is both easy and difficult for me to process. The invasion is so personal and makes me feel terribly vulnerable and naked in an emotional way and I start shaking my head to clear it. Then still, still, still, totally still as the eighteenth needle traverses my skin. Too close, too close and her breath now in my ear is a smiling hum drawing my focus.
Aeric Meredith-Goujon www.aericmg.com
It was about eleven thirty when we arrived, and the play party was going full swing. The dungeon was crowded. I greeted several friends while we looked for suitable play space.
My tormenter that evening, K, asked me something about needles, and I smiled. I am fascinated by that particular type of pain, and replied that I thought it would be a fine idea. I’ve done some play with needles, commonly known as “temporary piercing” among people in the BDSM scene. The business end of hypodermic needles are most often used to pierce the skin: sometimes in decorative patterns, sometimes simply to bring forth blood and to play with the pain pf penetration.
K really wanted the flat body board suspended from chains in the middle of the floor for our play. K began her setup, pulling a series of small white boxes from her worryingly small toy bag, and casually mentioned that she was in possession of quite a few needles.
And she was feeling particularly generous tonight.
I removed my clothing, moving to lay face down on the chilly board. “Wait, ” she said, and I paused in my decent. Hands in the hair on the back of my head rough demanding kisses send my head spinning, my lips parting to admit her tongue, cunningly capturing my bottom lip between sharp teeth. That moment, and then there is no doubt It Had Begun.
There were thumb cuffs, secured to both opposable digits, serrated edges nibbling on the sensitive web of skin between thumb and index finger. My special blanket, one I took with me for post-scene come-down, came in quite handy, rolled up to form a pillow. I settled into the table breathing deeply to relax. Alcohol prep to my arm, from elbow to just past the armpit. The tearing sounds of the first hypodermic needle wrapper and in the corner of my eye, the chilly gleam of steel approaching my willing skin. The push, lanced with heat, my breath, a sharp intake, and the needle is in my skin. A wound, a long push, a second wound making me shiver. Stillness. A second needle, maybe two inches away from the first, and the pain is greater this time.
I wince, but lay still. It seems to be taking so long for the dart to traverse the layers of skin it violates. Third needle and I realize that she is using almost the whole of the length of the needle to spear my flesh. Unlike most other piercings I have had done to me, the majority of her needles are in under my skin; only the cap and a small segment of the tip protrudes.
Seven more needles and the web of serpentine pain extends from near elbow to past my shoulder, under my arms. I monitor my breathing carefully, as I do so automatically. A spool of bright orange cord, thin yet strong, now sits beside my head. K unwound a section of it, looping it and placing the first loop over the first needle. Working deftly, she laced the orange cord and wound it over and under each needle, forming a latticework that contrasts beautifully with my brown skin as it embraced my flesh. She pulled on the needles and re-ignited them to a little song of pain. Threading the ends of the cord through the conveniently placed slots that pierce the table, winding them about, she has now secured me to the board with little room to move. That is, if I want my flesh to remain intact.
She moves to the other side of the table, I turn my head to follow her. The cold cleansing again. I feel the needles on my left side. Ten in all. Will she do the same on the right side? The first needle on the right side goes in so slowly!
I wail under my breath. My voice begins to give out and my moans have an odd unmodulated sound to them. Fifth needle, under my arm and fuck fuck fuck why does it hurt so much? I start to shake. Needle pain is both easy and difficult for me to process. The invasion is so personal and makes me feel terribly vulnerable and naked in an emotional way and I start shaking my head to clear it. Then still, still, still, totally still as the eighteenth needle traverses my skin. Too close, too close and her breath now in my ear is a smiling hum drawing my focus.

Aeric Meredith-Goujon www.aericmg.com
Thank you for this. There is a dirth of piercing play erotica, so I really appreciate this.
However, as a piercing Top, I want to jump in on the education tip for a quick moment. I know what I'm about to say is controversial in the piercing play community, but it's how I feel and I feel kinda strongly about it.
Alcohol is not sufficient skin prep for a play piercing scene that lasts longer than a few minutes. I know, I know, *doctors* use alcohol, but their needles go in your skin in one little area, and are out again in a few minutes at the most. For extended, bigger areas of skin, I highly recommend a surgical scrub. Technicare was in fashion until the FDA yanked it due to it's use and misuse outside of the medical community. Now I usually use a surgical scrub. It keeps your skin "clean" longer, as it actively continues to clean after application. *Especially* if you're going to introduce items that haven't been kept necessarily clean, like ribbon. It's just better all around.
Sorry to be the safety nerd, but I can't get off unless I know my friends are playing safe.
Actually, what squicked me was the Jacuzzi afterwards ... that water is not sterile enough for someone with dozens of open wounds, even if they had started to heal by then.
All hail safety!
As a nurse, I'm able to get my hands on "Chloraprep" and prefer to use that prior to any activity in which I will be cut or pierced. Afterwards, Bactine is best (Benzalkonium Chloride) because it prevents infection without the drying effect alcohol can have on the skin. It does have lidocaine, which numbs a little, but not really enough to keep you from feeling some pain, but if you feel the lidocaine is a hinderance, you can always opt for the aftercare solution you get when you get your ears pierced, as this is also benzalkonium chloride.
wooooo, thank you for sharing your experiences, i was right there with you, you write so well. I love needles, and would love to do a similar scene.
Wow, that was an amazing read. But needle pain is my favorite to the point that the sharp, focused, sweet sting doesn't require any processing beyond the standard deep breathing for me even with 42 20 gauge needles (I have not tried 18 gauge yet).
As for skin prep, I like Hibiclens (chlorhexidine 4% compared to Chlorprep's 2%) followed by rubbing alcohol to remove the residue before any piercing and a spray bottle of 90% rubbing alcohol for after the needles are removed.