Well, she could be at the local BDSM club with grandpa! Or maybe she’s shacking up with the cute WWII vet across the hall.
I know, I know, no one likes to think of grandma or grandpa getting it on. But let’s face it, your parents got here somehow, and the stork wasn’t the way. Like it or not, our grandparents, and theirs, like to think they invented sex. And nowadays, they are having it more than ever before.
I’ve worked with the elderly for over ten years now, and the stories I could tell you would scare you celibate. Or at least put you off your food for a little bit. From wanna-be nudists stripping in the hallways, someone’s grandfather masturbating at the dinner table, and unfortunately, walking in on a vigorous ass porn and lotion session during med pass, nothing really rattles me anymore. The random ass grabs I have received by the old men in a care facility are reminiscent of younger male versions received in a bar. (Let me say, the technique is practically identical!)
Aging is not a disease, it is a progression. Sexuality and desire, the need for intimacy and love, or just a feeling of being wanted, don’t expire with age. In some, they may actually increase as emotions get more intense and/or fluctuate. A 2007 study of men and women ages 57-84 showed 78% of men and 40% of women had been intimate within the previous 3 months. I know people in their 30s with less of a sex life than some of these elders. With all of the products on the market today, it is now even easier for the geriatric crowd to tango between the sheets or the wheelchair. There are pills to erect, creams to stimulate, and lubes to, well, lubricate, and the list is getting longer all the time. Everything we use to excite and entice ourselves and our partners can and is being used to give our seniors a "leg up" so to speak.
So, why shouldn’t seniors have their fun? If they feel the urge, hop on and ride it out, because you’re not getting any younger! One day, we will be where they are now; so remember that the next time you feel like visiting grandma, call first. It wouldn’t do to catch her with her pants down!