Stacie Halas, a 32 year old former middle school science teacher and ex-porn star, was fired in April from her job at Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard, California when it was brought to the administration's attention that she had performed in several pornographic movies in a 9-month span, between teaching jobs. An appeal to this termination was filed, and on Wednesday, January 16th of 2013, her appeal to get her job back was unanimously denied by a three-judge panel.
Judge Julie Cabos-Owen, one of the judges on the panel, stated that such a past matters, in an age when technology makes porn easy to access and hard to bury.
Of the appeal, Ms. Halas' attorney, Richard Schwab said "We were hoping we could show you could overcome your past... I think she's representative of a lot of people who may have a past that may not involve anything illegal or anything that hurts anybody." During the appeal, Schwab said "Halas did not star in pornographic movies while teaching in any district, she took parts only during an eight-month period from 2005 to 2006 because of financial problems after her boyfriend abandoned her."
Ms. Halas will not be re-hired by the school district, though in my opinion it is unlikely that she will be hired in any district as a teacher again due to the negative publicity.
Jeff Chancer, the district superintendent said of the matter: "Halas' decision to engage in pornography was incompatible with her responsibilities as a role model for students." Mr. Chancer applauded the panels decision to deny her re-hire.
Public Opinion on the Matter
Should a woman who did what was necessary to provide for herself be publicly destroyed in this manner? Do you think she should have been rehired?
Is it fair in this day and age to hold to past (especially a past that didn't harm anyone) against someone and keep them from getting or keeping a job?
What are your thoughts on the matter? Could it have been handled better?
Perhaps she could have been given a job teaching sex-education to the kids (I know I would have paid more attention to a former porn-star than my 50 year old male coach that also taught science), or even offered a position as a speaker. She could talk to young girls in the district, explain to the them what working in porn is like and try to encourage them to pursue other careers.