""Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.""
The Grass is always greener....
Okay, seriously people. I know everything I am going to say doesn't apply to everyone, so I hope this doesn't seem like I am bitching at the world. But I just have to get this out!
Does everything in life have to be based on a fantasy? I'm totally baffled by the fact that every time I get on basically any kind of social networking, join in my favorite online book club conversations or have a typical everyday conversation with a friend or family member, and even reading comments and e-mails here or anywhere else, it always comes back to fantasy!
It seems no one lives in the real world anymore. Reality is a thing of the past. Which doesn't always sound that bad, who doesn't like to skip away from reality for a while? But there is a point where it has to stop, and you have to return to the real world!

Does everything in life have to be based on a fantasy? I'm totally baffled by the fact that every time I get on basically any kind of social networking, join in my favorite online book club conversations or have a typical everyday conversation with a friend or family member, and even reading comments and e-mails here or anywhere else, it always comes back to fantasy!
It seems no one lives in the real world anymore. Reality is a thing of the past. Which doesn't always sound that bad, who doesn't like to skip away from reality for a while? But there is a point where it has to stop, and you have to return to the real world!

Haha... Keep re-reading this one... Too funny and too true... hahahaha Great Article hun...
FUCKING THANK YOU! I despise 50 Shades of Grey because of the ignorant people claiming to be submissives putting themselves on Craigslist and endangering themselves based off of a piece of shit Twilight fanfiction written by an incompetent twat. I am a submissive and I've been one for quite some time, and that book just paints the people in my lifestyle as fucking lunatics! I get so enraged how 50 this and 50 that is mentioned everywhere!
The only thing I have to disagree with you on is the whole living in a fantasy thing. I have a rare incurable pancreas illness that has pretty much ruined my life. I don't get to go out much because of the severe pain, terrible medicine side effects and the general lack of energy I have because of it. I can either fantasize about my life getting better and what it would be like if there was a cure for my illness, or I can just mull over the fact that I may die a painful slow death, which is what I can't help but think about sometimes.
I understand that the fantasy you are talking about pertains to the people claiming to be submissives and are endangering themselves because they aren't researching the facts about the lifestyle. I just didn't want to be classified as one of those morons because of my pure hatred of anything 50 Shades of OH MY GOSH I BLUSHED INNER GODDESS bullshit.
Lol so we agree?? Haha. Isn't it insane that people would put themselves in actual danger because they wanna live in the book they just read? It drives me nuts.
As for you living through fantasies due to your illness, I applaud you. You are keeping yourself happy and strong through the power of mind, I like that. And if I were in the same position, I would do the same. Come to think, with being a single mother, I rarely get out in the real world and I suppose I do occational fantasize about different situations. But there is a point when you are using your imagination as everyone does, and a point where you are going to far. I know people who live in a 100% fantasy world, the kind that would rather pretend to be a non-human with superpowers, rather than take care of their family and whatnot.
Now those are th people that drive me crazy!
Omg thank you Lillie for this. Yesterday two of my cousins posted on this book they are reading it. One of my best friends posted she was reading it. I am like these bitches don't even know anything about the BDSM scene and it urks the hell out of me. Why are you reading it? Because it is a cool book that everyone is reading so you want to join in too. Talking about they would have quickly signed the papers. I wanted to say something to them but decided to keep my mouth shut they know I am a freak already but if they knew I was into BDSM the way I was they may talk shit. I did tell them just from what they read there is a whole lot more to do with it. I was not going to read the books but decided I would read them. Its a trend for the vanilla people who want to be involved just from reading a damn book. Get a life people stop following trends.