I tore my ACL during college. Had reconstructive knee surgery, and spent five months in the training room rehabilitating so I’d be ready for football season the following fall. In addition to one-legged “clock rotations,” inverted wall squats, and various Bosu Ball balancing acts, my regimen also included a good amount of electronic stimulation therapy. If you’ve never experienced this sort of treatment (known simply as “stim” by about midway through your second month of rehab), it goes something like this: Rydell stretched out on the trainer’s table, book in hand, while a small machine fires quick bursts of electricity to the muscles around the knee. Said muscles flex involuntarily and, in theory, regain full strength more quickly.
Okay, back to the world of sex toys. When we received the Jopen Intensity, the first words I noticed on the box read: “10 incremental levels of electro stimulation.” No way, I thought, it can’t be the same thing.
“It totally is!” says Susan. (Quick bit of Susan history: she spent a year as an athletic trainer.) “I know what electro stim is. I watched countless athletes’ muscles twitch while hooked up to the equipment we had. I was very curious about how they would incorporate that into a sex toy. And why, to be honest.”
Since we’re being honest, I will say that electro stim takes some getting used to. By the end of my rehabilitation stretch, I loved it, craved it even. At first, however, it felt like … well, it felt like the first time you accidentally run into an electrified fence while playing kick the can outside of town in the middle of the night.
“I was totally anxious,” Susan admits. “It’s one thing to shock the muscles around your knee or whatever; I was about to do that inside my pussy! I’ve stuck my tongue on a 9-volt battery. I’m not sure I wanted that happening anywhere near my lower lips.”
Susan’s a trooper, though, so after applying the electrode gel (important so that the stimulation contacts are in direct contact with the vaginal walls), we inserted the Intensity, inflated it (yes, you read that correctly; more on this later), and I turned it on to level one.
“I waited, but didn’t feel anything,” she says. “Level two gave me a little flutter. Level three … I’ve never felt my pussy squeeze that hard! It was a crazy feeling, too, because I didn’t have anything to do with it so I wasn’t expecting it. Rydell pushed the button and then all of a sudden it was just boom, like a clenched fist.”

Okay, back to the world of sex toys. When we received the Jopen Intensity, the first words I noticed on the box read: “10 incremental levels of electro stimulation.” No way, I thought, it can’t be the same thing.
“It totally is!” says Susan. (Quick bit of Susan history: she spent a year as an athletic trainer.) “I know what electro stim is. I watched countless athletes’ muscles twitch while hooked up to the equipment we had. I was very curious about how they would incorporate that into a sex toy. And why, to be honest.”
Since we’re being honest, I will say that electro stim takes some getting used to. By the end of my rehabilitation stretch, I loved it, craved it even. At first, however, it felt like … well, it felt like the first time you accidentally run into an electrified fence while playing kick the can outside of town in the middle of the night.
“I was totally anxious,” Susan admits. “It’s one thing to shock the muscles around your knee or whatever; I was about to do that inside my pussy! I’ve stuck my tongue on a 9-volt battery. I’m not sure I wanted that happening anywhere near my lower lips.”
Susan’s a trooper, though, so after applying the electrode gel (important so that the stimulation contacts are in direct contact with the vaginal walls), we inserted the Intensity, inflated it (yes, you read that correctly; more on this later), and I turned it on to level one.
“I waited, but didn’t feel anything,” she says. “Level two gave me a little flutter. Level three … I’ve never felt my pussy squeeze that hard! It was a crazy feeling, too, because I didn’t have anything to do with it so I wasn’t expecting it. Rydell pushed the button and then all of a sudden it was just boom, like a clenched fist.”

Thanks for the article! I've been saving up to get the intensity and even after all the reviews out on it I'm still not certain. Any additional info on this is great, so I appreciate it!