"A gypsy fire is on the hearth, Sign of the carnival of mirth; Through the dun fields and from the glade, Flash merry folk in masquerade, For this is Hallowe'en!"
A Short History of Halloween
Halloween, or All Hallows' Eve, is an ancient religious holiday that has become a secular tradition in America and many other countries. Religiously, All Hallows' Eve is the evening before All Saints' Day, proclaimed to be November 1st by Pope Gregory III (731-741). While some believe that All Saints' Day was purposefully placed to overlap the pagan holiday Samhain, others contend that the feasts overlap was coincidence. Regardless, by the end of the Middle Ages, many of the traditions of Samhain, originally the Gaelic harvest festival, had been incorporated into the religious holiday of All Saints' Day thus merging the sacred and secular days.
Although the Protestant Reformation attacked many traditional Catholic holidays, Halloween survived as a secular holiday in Ireland and Scotland. Early America largely ignored Halloween; it wasn't until the influx of Irish and Scottish immigration that the holiday was widely celebrated in North America. By the early 1900's though, Halloween was a staple holiday of American society.

Although the Protestant Reformation attacked many traditional Catholic holidays, Halloween survived as a secular holiday in Ireland and Scotland. Early America largely ignored Halloween; it wasn't until the influx of Irish and Scottish immigration that the holiday was widely celebrated in North America. By the early 1900's though, Halloween was a staple holiday of American society.

She's EIGHT years old and the costumes for her age had thigh high splits and "sexy" costumes? Wow. Things are far worse than even I imagined. Sounds like she's got her head on right though! That's really good to hear about any girl or woman.
THank you for being the first person in ever, blaming consumers. They wouldn't make slutty costumes if people didn't buy them.