As I said before; I think about sex quite a bit every day. The whole idea is beautiful and exiting. It is also, as of now, foreign, for the most part. I want to know what it is like, and so curiosity, hormones, and sex on the brain have forced my hands into my pants countless times. Now, you may be thinking, “Well sure, everyone masturbates.” But me? I am constantly ripping my clothes off every moment I am alone!
Starting at a younger age, I became curious about that dangly thing betwixt my legs. As puberty hit, and it exploded in growth, my hands have been latched around it. I have spent a lot of time really exploring my body, feeling the textures of the various regions in, on, and around my penis, and have found so many ways to pleasure myself. That phrase "pleasure myself" is very accurate for me. I know some people masturbate to just get off, quell the urge, or as a quick alternative to sex, but for me it has always been about finding ways to drive myself over the wall with pleasure. I have succeeded many times.
My penis is fairly large, measuring in at eight inches long. It is an average thickness, and I have spent hours at a time masturbating. I love those long slow sessions. They may start out as simply stumbling across an alluring picture, or a small thought of fantasy. I turn on some music, turn out the light, and hop into bed stark naked.
I found myself, throughout my teenage years, slowly pushing the boundaries of pleasure, which meant pursuing it wherever it went. Anal play maybe fine for many people, but starting out for me, it was nerve wracking and embarrassing. Being a heterosexual male and having the urge to stimulate the tissues back there was very strange at first, but completely worth it in the end. I have found it incredibly pleasurable, especially because it was me loving me. The prostate is not the only thing I discovered. I was able to find, through many sessions of self love, a group of muscles that I could squeeze and produce large quantities of pre-cum. Good ol' love juice, and I mean a lot of the slick stuff. I can't have a good masturbation session without a towel at my side.
Masturbation helps me with stress and pain from medical illness, and it also helps with my insomnia. Insomnia is also a symptom, not something I call a bad night of sleep. Anyway, being up all night, almost every night, gives me a lot of time to play with myself and have amazing orgasms. Even though life throws all kinds of curve balls at us if you take the time to really explore yourself, and each little thing that can bring you pleasure in a sexual aspect, the non-sexual aspects of your life will improve similarly. Testing my limits, in that intimate kind of setting, has helped me step out more in other aspects. All in all, being a virgin, being sex crazed, and being curious has made me quite open minded, and also messy from time to time.