Sex is an act of making love to your partner, it an expression of affection, and a medium to build deep physical intimacy with your partner, and it is also a way to reproduce.
When people got married in the past, they had a clear understanding that they want to have children and start a family with their partner, for which sex was essential.
But now we know that lovemaking is important for more than one reason and different people have different motives to make love to their partner in a marriage or in a romantic relationship.
Should Married People make it a Priority to Make Love Every Day?
It is a misconception that every married couple has sex every day, but yes, there are couples out there who may be making love to each other every day, but it is not a big deal if you and your partner make love twice a week or even once a month as long as both of you are happy about it.
The frequency of sex in a marriage or a committed relationship depends on the personal preferences of the couple, and no external factors should have any say in it.
Often when people are exploring the sexual part of their relationship for the first time or if they are on their honeymoon, then they may make love daily or at least whenever they can.
But as the relationship grows older, the novelty wears off gradually, and you may find that you don't make love as frequently as you used to, and even when you make love, it is not as passionate as it was.
As long as both partners are happy with the status quo and there is no adverse effect of less frequent lovemaking in your life then the number of times you have coitus with each other is not an important factor.
As a couple, both of you have to decide together how many times you want to make love to each other, and any number is fine as long as both are willing and give their consent to it.
What to do if you are not happy with your sex life right now?
Communicate With Your Partner:
In long-term marriages and romantic relationship, we assume that we can accurately predict what our partner feels and thinks, and wrongly assume things which can cause problems in various parts of the relationship, including our bedroom life.
If you are feeling dissatisfied with the number of times you have sex with your partner, then discuss it with your partner. Don't attack, complain or demand to have more sex, as that would be morally as well as legally wrong, but instead discuss how you would like to have more time of sexual intimacy with each other for mutual pleasure.
Talk with each other in a way that is respectful and open to discussion, accusing your partner, or finding faults by pointing out any of their inadequacy can backfire so it is best to be respectful in sharing your views.
Shake things Up a Bit:
If you have been married for a long time and been doing the same things over and over again, the very act of making love can seem like a chore, or if you think that you and your partner are simply going through the motions, then you can make plans and bring back the passion in your relationships.
There are countless ways to make love to your partner in new and exciting ways, you can ask your partner what excites them, or try different lovemaking positions and see which ignites a spark in your life.
You can even go out for a romantic gateway and make love in a place that is different from your bedroom just to break the monotony of things.
Anything that we do over and over again tends to become boring, so if you can, try to bring in some variety in the way you make love to each other and explore each other's physical needs.
It doesn't have to be about intercourse, we humans have multiple sensory organs and we can try to excite different senses for our pleasure.
You can plan surprising for each other, role-play each other's fantasies and even learn new ways to give physical pleasure to each other.
When you are exploring new things, please make sure that your partner gives clear and direct consent to new sexual activities. Please don't force, manipulate or guilt-trip your partner into doing anything that they are not comfortable with.
Seek Help If You Want To Heal Deeper Issues
There are times when both of you may need help to solve any issues that you may be having in the relationship, and couples often make the mistake of turning to their friends, mothers, or co-workers for help.
But your friends and family members may be biased and may give you advice that may not be applicable to your problem, or it may make you and your partner subject to resentment or ridicule even after your problem gets solved.
So it is best to seek help from someone who is qualified to help couples deal with their relationship problems such as a marriage counselor. There are different types of help a certified marriage counselor can offer you for making your love life and married life better.
If your problems are specific to your sexual life then your counselor or doctor can guide you towards a sex therapist who has been trained to help couples deal with their sexual problems.
If you are having problems in your marriage that springs from sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction in men, then your doctor may even suggest the use of medications such as Cenforce and if the women are suffering from any specific problem such as low sexual drive due to hormonal imbalance then also you will be guided towards a suitable treatment.
Medications such as Vidalista, Fildena and hormone therapy can surely improve your sexual performance if you need them to deal with sexual dysfunctions. But they are not the end-all solution, as a couple, both partners have to be willing to work on making and maintaining a safe, passionate and fun relationship with each other, in the bedroom.