November 29, 2012

Natural Pregnancy Prevention Methods

by K101

Most of us are familiar with the standard, everyday birth control methods such as the pill, Depo Provera injection, condoms, IUDs and more. However, did you ever find yourself wondering what people used before these methods were widely available, or what the people who have religious or other reasons not to use the doctor-administrated methods use? If so, you may find these natural birth control methods pretty interesting.

More On Home Remedy Contraceptive

The Vitamin C Method
Vitamin C has been used as a form of birth control because the ascorbic acid in it interferes with the production of progesterone, reducing the chances of an egg implanting. Some of these birth control methods, such as this one, have also been used to induce miscarriage, so it's important not to use them if you already are pregnant.

Some people use Vitamin C in pill form either in the vagina before and after intercourse or by consuming mega doses in order to discourage an egg from implanting. Vitamin C has also been used as a form of emergency contraception, i.e. when a condom breaks.

Downfall: Vitamin C, when taken by the mouth in mega doses, can lead to toxicity, kidney stones and more serious health problems if you've already got other health problems. In high doses, it can also irritate the stomach. It can cause irritation to the vagina as well, if taken vaginally. However, some people feel the benefits outweigh the risks here. Unless I was in an emergency situation, I'm not sure how I'd actually feel about using this method, but it would certainly be a last resort. Just pass me the lemon juice!

There aren't enough real studies to prove efficacy rates or percentages on these methods. As with most "herbal remedies" or home remedies, they are not backed by scientific research, but have been used throughout history.

Wild Carrot Seeds
Dating back to 5th century B.C., wild carrot seeds were used by chewing on the seeds immediately after intercourse. The extract (released when the seeds are chewed on) can greatly reduce the chances of a woman becoming pregnant. Research on small animals has shown that extracts from wild carrot seeds disrupt the implantation process and possibly, when an egg has been fertilized very recently, ingesting wild carrot seed extract can cause the egg to be released.

While chewing on a few seeds sounds simple and probably cheaper and easier than taking a pill daily or getting an injection or implantation, using the wild carrot seed method requires diligence. One would need to chew the seeds daily for 7-10 days following intercourse in order for this method to have a chance at success. Even still, that sounds a lot easier than most traditional and non-traditional methods, to me. Parsley is used in a similar way to prevent pregnancy, and in some cases, to induce abortion.

The only scientific research or studies done on this herb were conducted in India. Like every other method of prevention, it's not 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy, but has been effectively used for centuries, and according to many herbalists, is a very effective and natural method of contraception.

Is there even a downfall to trying this method? In my opinion, it seems a simple and likely form of back up, maybe not a form of birth control on its own, but back up? Sure.

My Conclusions
While these natural options of birth control aren't ideal for someone like me, they actually are real for other women. Personally, I like the convenience of my injected birth control because I was put on it to help with endometriosis, so since it also prevents pregnancy, why not kill two birds with one stone? However, if I didn't need the drug for health reasons, there's no telling what I'd try, and I wouldn't be opposed to some of these options, especially considering my near-impossible chances of ever becoming pregnant again due to the health issue. Some of these methods could actually be sufficient for someone who doesn't have a big chance of becoming pregnant, but still wants to prevent the small possibility.

Do any of you ladies use these methods of contraceptive? Would you care to share your opinions in the comments section?

The information in this article was intended for entertainment purposes only and to discuss the interesting methods of natural contraceptives and their history of use. I am not a physician and by writing this article, I am not recommending the methods I've discussed.

Editor's Note: SexIs does not promote any of the methods discussed. We recommend that you discuss any questions you may have regarding these or any other form of birth control with your physician.