While people are calling for U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) resignation, and his wife is considering whether she should leave him while preggers with his baby, other people are capitalizing on their troubles. What else would they do?
Say hello to the world's first Weiner action figure. An accomplishment I'm sure the guy wouldn't be able to claim had it not been for his affinity for porn stars and twittering his wang around. Who says it's all bad?
The Weiner action figure comes in several different versions. You can buy the PG-13 version, a Ken-doll-esque Weiner doll wearing a white t-shirt and some boxers that say "Tweet This" across the front, for $39.95. For just $10 more, you can get anatomically correct Weiner in the same adorable get-up. And finally, for $18 freakin' dollars you can pick up a toy Blackberry for your wiener-having Weiner doll.
But wait! That's not all we're walking away from Weinergate with! Remember the Charlie Sheen shirts with #winning under Charlie's black and white head. Yeah, you guessed it. Anthony Weiner is #weining.
Poor guy. Can't even catch a break while he's in sex-rehab.