We have a new definition for “ironic,” these days, thanks to state legislators in Texas who apparently want to bar transgendered people from marrying people of the opposite sex, even though, of course, they totally only want people of the opposite sex to get married.
We are struck by just how hard on the brain it must be, sometimes, to be intolerant. The story goes like this: State Sen. Tommy Williams (R-Woodlands) has introduced a bill that would disallow a court order of sex change to be among the documents that can be used to obtain a marriage license in Texas. So—if you have changed your gender, legally, this would prevent you from “proving” your new gender for the purpose of getting married; and Texas has in its Constitution a provision that marriage can only be a relationship entered into by a man and a woman. Under the new law, if passed— if you used to be a man and are now a woman, in Texas, it would be okay for you to marry a woman, but not a man; and if you were borm female but are now male, you can marry a man but not a woman.
We’re sure that’s clear to everyone. And every time we get a whiff of the secessionist movement in Texas, we are tempted to tell them to go right ahead and leave the union. But we’d miss all our friends in Austin, especially, so we’re just going to hope that Texas comes around eventually to our way of thinking.