No more penises in Pisa, Mayor Marco Filippeschi decided this week. But don't worry, men, it's not you they're kicking out. It's your likeness down there. It's just far too offensive.
We're sure you've seen them. No, not your penises. Of course you've seen them. But those despicable aprons sporting Michelangelo's David's junk on Jersey Shore and Leaning Tower of Penis underwear? Mayor Filippeschi is calling them "trashy" and will be enforcing a ban. People caught selling these items will be fined up to $700.
“This material is offensive to public decorum and should be banned from souvenir stalls— people with young families should not have to see these shocking items,” Filippeschi said. “Some of the so-called novelty souvenir items that can be found on these stalls are verging on the pornographic and this is not the image of the city of Pisa we want to cultivate. Laws already exist which allow city councils to impose restrictions on selling items which are regarded as inappropriate but for too long a blind eye was turned to these trashy souvenirs.”
Okay, so they're trashy. But banning them just makes us want them more.