So you're sitting at a busy intersection, waiting for the light to turn green, when a giant van blocks your lane for the remainder of the red light and all of your green light, too. What do you do?
A) Shrug it off. Maybe he was in a hurry. You'll get where you're going when you get there.
B) Glare ominously and swear to yourself with the windows up so only you will know just how foul your mouth can be.
C) Extend your left arm out the window, make a fist and extend your middle finger. I mean, come on! Not only is that illegal, but now you've just wasted at least ten minutes of your time because some inconsiderate prick had his big ass in your way.
Would you believe me if I told you that, despite the existence of the First Amendment, you can be cited in Missouri if you choose "C"? Yeah ... maybe you would.
A man named Steven Pogue was cited for flipping the bird to a fellow driver when his path was blocked by the driver's vehicle. The officer who cited Pogue actually told him, “Yeah, I was thinking about going after them until I saw you flip them off.”
Wait, what? So flipping someone off is a worse offense than running a red light and blocking an intersection?
Pogue feels his First Amendment rights have been violated and is fighting the citation, and the ACLU is taking notice.