Scott Arnold, a gay Democrat from Iowa, went to a Newt Gingrich rally with an open mind. That made one of them.
Scott asked Gingrich how he would engage gay Americans if he were elected.
“How are we to support him? And he told me to support Obama,” Arnold, an associate professor of writing at William Penn University, told the Des Moines Register.
Gingrich told Arnold he doesn’t expect the support of those who disagree with him on the subject of gay marriage and for whom that’s a big concern. The Register notes that the thrice-wed Gingrich (two of those marriages ended in infidelity, the Register says) “advocated a federal constitutional amendment that would deny marriage rights to same-sex couples,” in a letter to The Family Leader.
Fearing their guy got a bad rap in the media coverage of this situation, the Log Cabin Republicans released a transcript of the conversation. They say Democrats are trying to paint all Republicans as bigoted in a “fear-mongering effort to shore up the president’s base.”
“When you ask somebody a question and you expect them to support all Americans and have everyone’s general interest, it’s a little bit frustrating and disheartening when you’re told to support the other side — that he doesn’t need your support,” Arnold told the Register.
We hear you, Scott. And we never thought we’d say this but maybe Newt’s right. I mean, when a guy tells you flat out he’s just not that into you, it’s time to find another guy.