So you’re in New York City and need a condom right away. What do you do? You whip out your smartphone and skim across the screen to the official Find-a-Condom-in-New-York-City app, of course!
Okay, so it’s not actually called that. It’s called the “NYC Condom Finder Mobile Phone Application.” Close enough?
The city gave away more than 36 million free NYC Condoms last year and is prepared to hand out “as many as people need” this year, according to Monica Sweeney, a Health Department spokesperson.
We like the packaging. Nice, huh? Maybe this can be kind of another tourist attraction: “New York Condoms. Don’t Leave the City Without Them.”
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Okay, so it’s not actually called that. It’s called the “NYC Condom Finder Mobile Phone Application.” Close enough?
The city gave away more than 36 million free NYC Condoms last year and is prepared to hand out “as many as people need” this year, according to Monica Sweeney, a Health Department spokesperson.
We like the packaging. Nice, huh? Maybe this can be kind of another tourist attraction: “New York Condoms. Don’t Leave the City Without Them.”

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Oh wow what a nice idea. And yes the package is nice and I am sure that tourist do want to get one as a souvenir.
Anyone know if they're vegan? Send me a message if you do.