U.S. District Judge Virginia A. Phillips ruled that not only does the gay ban not preserve military readiness, but it is also violates the First Amendment rights and due process for gays and lesbians. The Justice Department will have an opportunity to appeal any injunctions, but so far, Judge Phillips has mostly seen evidence that the policy creates a “direct and deleterious effect” on the armed services.
Elsewhere, university scientists just get hornier and hornier, because how many sex “studies” can we find in the news these days? This time, it’s the intellectual elite at Duke University turning a discerning eye to women and their sex toys.
The study, geared toward solving the problems of rampant unprotected sex, encourages female students to take part in sex toy parties reminiscent of those old “Tupperware” get-togethers. Of course, the endeavor is drawing fire from campus religious groups, creating a “buzz” (no batteries required) that will certainly ensure that the findings—which aren’t due to be published until December—will be highly anticipated.
In other news, it’s always a good idea to beware of strange spammers bearing gifts. Case in point: Certain emails promising sex movies have actually been delivering a “sex worm” malware program that hijacks the contents of recipients’ Outlook address book.
But don’t worry, the “sex worm” is not widespread, and unlikely to hit you…if you don’t work at AIG, Procter & Gamble, NASA or Disney. Early reports “suggest” that those companies are struggling to contain an outbreak of the worm that replicates itself by emailing every address it gets hold of. So, it just goes to show, it doesn’t matter where you’re employed—from the most super-intellectual think tank to the most family-oriented animation factory—somebody’s always going to be looking at porn emails at work. Jiminy Cricket!
Elsewhere, university scientists just get hornier and hornier, because how many sex “studies” can we find in the news these days? This time, it’s the intellectual elite at Duke University turning a discerning eye to women and their sex toys.
The study, geared toward solving the problems of rampant unprotected sex, encourages female students to take part in sex toy parties reminiscent of those old “Tupperware” get-togethers. Of course, the endeavor is drawing fire from campus religious groups, creating a “buzz” (no batteries required) that will certainly ensure that the findings—which aren’t due to be published until December—will be highly anticipated.
In other news, it’s always a good idea to beware of strange spammers bearing gifts. Case in point: Certain emails promising sex movies have actually been delivering a “sex worm” malware program that hijacks the contents of recipients’ Outlook address book.
But don’t worry, the “sex worm” is not widespread, and unlikely to hit you…if you don’t work at AIG, Procter & Gamble, NASA or Disney. Early reports “suggest” that those companies are struggling to contain an outbreak of the worm that replicates itself by emailing every address it gets hold of. So, it just goes to show, it doesn’t matter where you’re employed—from the most super-intellectual think tank to the most family-oriented animation factory—somebody’s always going to be looking at porn emails at work. Jiminy Cricket!
Don't ask don't tell is NOT made for gays. People! DADT is exactly what it says. Military can't hold hands while in uniform. They don't want to know how you do it with your wife. Don't ask don't tell if you are a swinger even though the AF is given responsibility for starting, have an affair, into BDSM, anal, positions, etc etc. They don't ask you don't tell. Think I'm kidding? One military neighbor saw another miltary neighbor through their front door window. Wife 1 saw wife 2 ontop of Hubby in the living room. Wife 1 told superiors and the 'wicked' couple got brought in, he got demerit and lost opportunities at the White House. DADT is NOT about being gay. Before you bash me do your home work of how many in recent media got kicked out for not taking no for an answer. For NOT abiding by military rules while in uniform. A majority were NOT about being gay but about being predators and not abiding by the rules. Sometimes I am glad I live in a predominantly military area because we get the military news and heads up.