Finally! A reason to hope the world isn’t really going to end in in 2012! The Liberace biopic, starring Michael Douglas as the world’s most well-dressed pianist and Matt Damon as his young lover Scott Thornson, has “found a home on HBO,” according to the Los Angeles Times’ Ministry of Gossip.
The title? Behind the Candelabra. How jealous are you now? Don’t you wish that was the title of your biopic?
The film, based on a book by Thornson, has been in the works since 2009 “and its male leads are more than happy to get lip-locking in the portrayal of the flamboyant performer,” the Times says, referring to an earlier piece about the film in which Damon told E! Online “I never thought I would get to kiss Michael Douglas.”
The film will be directed by Steven Soderberg and produced by Jerry Weintraub, who knew the late great entertainer. In an interview with the Times’ Show Tracker, Weintraub said Liberace “was a fun guy and a brilliant artist. He was Elton John and Lady Gaga before they even dreamed of it. But he had two sides to his life—the dark side, which he couldn't talk about in those days because coming out of the closet could kill a career, and then he was this bigger-than-life artist onstage. He was living in two polar-opposite worlds. And I wanted to show that dynamic.”