If you read our coverage, you know that Sunday was indeed a touching and historic day in the Empire State. Though stores are saying they've shown no increase in business, they're still feeling a bit excited and expectant with all the romance in the air.
But a conservative group called New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedom (NYCF) was hard at work looking to poke holes in the sails of the happy couples. NYCF is challenging the legality of the new same-sex marriage law passed in New York.
According to NYCF, the entire process of pushing through this bill was shady. The group claims that open meeting laws were violated, campaign contributions were promised, and Senate rules on debate were violated in order to enact the law.
“It is unfortunate that state senators chose to protect their personal interests, rather than the people they were elected to represent,” Rev. Jason J. McGuire, NYCF's executive director, said in a statement. “Some of the players may have changed, but it looks like same old Albany game. It is time the curtain be pulled back and the disinfecting light of good government shine upon the Cuomo administration and our state legislature.”