Kilts are being ruffled in Virginia over the Scottish Christmas Walk, where marchers in the historic parade have been asked to toss tradition aside and wear a few more layers under their plaid. But is the age-old practice of going commando “unhygienic” and “offensive,” as the Scottish Tartans Authority suggests?
No, said parade participant William Oscar Fleming, “A man's a man. A Highlander doesn't need underwear.”
The annual event took place on Saturday in Alexandria, where the walk is a 40-year tradition that’s become the biggest parade of its kind on the East Coast. But this year the STA, the last word in Highland dress, asked everyone involved in the parade to “show some decorum” and not go “regimental.” While some felt affronted by the request, others were happy to oblige, citing the weather as a more important factor than their Scottish manhood.
“Our biggest challenge is always the cold,” said participant Doug McClelland. Not to mention that refreshing December breeze ...
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No, said parade participant William Oscar Fleming, “A man's a man. A Highlander doesn't need underwear.”
The annual event took place on Saturday in Alexandria, where the walk is a 40-year tradition that’s become the biggest parade of its kind on the East Coast. But this year the STA, the last word in Highland dress, asked everyone involved in the parade to “show some decorum” and not go “regimental.” While some felt affronted by the request, others were happy to oblige, citing the weather as a more important factor than their Scottish manhood.
“Our biggest challenge is always the cold,” said participant Doug McClelland. Not to mention that refreshing December breeze ...

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