Boys don't wear makeup and girls aren't rugged. And if we allow boys to wear makeup and girls to be rugged, without reinforcing stereotypical masculine and feminine behavior where appropriate, the human race will eventually stop procreating. Also, little boys whose mothers paint their toenails and people subjected to photographs of the act will need therapy eventually. Or at least that's what Fox News and Dr. Keith Ablow would have you believe.
Their gripe? Designer Jenna Lyons appearing with her son Beckett, whose toe nails were painted hot pink, the boy's favorite color, in a recent J. Crew ad.
"I wonder what Jenna would think if her son wanted to celebrate his masculinity with a little playacting as a cowboy, with a gun?" says Dr. Ablow.
And we groaned. Apples and oranges, Doc!
And it doesn't stop with Fox! ABC News asks if painting the boy's toenails will make him gay or transgender. As if either would be the end of the world.
At least there's no question why we still have issues with homophobia in the U.S. We're looking at you, major media outlets!