Lawmakers in many states are being forced to take another look at same-sex marriage in the coming months, and LGBT organizations are meeting them head on. With polls showing Americans still firmly torn on the subject of same-sex marriage (ABC/Wash Post - 50 percent pro-47 percent opposed), many LGBT groups launched campaigns on Valentine's Day, demanding that their love be recognized.
Members of two LGBT organizations, GetEQUAL and Marriage Equality USA, have joined together to help arrange protests in 13 of 42 states in which same-sex marriage is illegal. LGBT couples all over the nation marched into their cities' courthouses and clerks' offices to request marriage licenses, knowing they would be turned down.
“People across the country have decided that enough is enough, and have committed to organizing in their own communities in order to draw attention to their desire to marry the person they love,” said GetEQUAL director Robin McGehee.
Along the same vein, Freedom to Marry yesterday launched what it's calling the largest national television ad campaign aimed at educating the public about LGBT love and why same-sex couples are so adamant about marriage equality, on CNN. They're hoping to raise $10 million in support of same-sex marriages.
Here's a great video featuring the Iowa grandmother of a gay man:
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