Can Demi and Ashton get any funnier? This dynamic duo is on a fast track to h-e-double-hockey-sticks, if they keep going the way they're going. And why can't we stop laughing? It really isn't a laughing matter.
Imagine you're sitting at home, surfing the net, and suddenly Sean Penn is on your monitor ironing. The words “Real men know how to use an iron” assault your ears and eyes. The camera pans out, and it turns out Sean Penn is ironing a grilled cheese sandwich. More words attack your eyes and ears! “Real men don't buy girls.” and it pans out to Jessica Biel standing in a sea of framed photographs of “real men” like Edward Norton.
Or maybe the one you saw was Justin Timberlake shaving his face with a chainsaw. Regardless of the version, they're all simple, like Ashton. Silly like the Kutchers' online existence has been since they found Twitter. And hey, maybe one of their fans will release the sex slave they have chained under their desk when they realize these stars are laughing for women's freedom.
“Our doing this is not some sort of career strategy thing,” says Ashton, co-founder of the Demi and Ashton Foundation which targets the sexual exploitation of minors. “In fact, I'd probably be doing a lot better in my career if I focused a little more on that and less on this stuff.”
Sure you would, Ashton ... Sure, you would.
Imagine you're sitting at home, surfing the net, and suddenly Sean Penn is on your monitor ironing. The words “Real men know how to use an iron” assault your ears and eyes. The camera pans out, and it turns out Sean Penn is ironing a grilled cheese sandwich. More words attack your eyes and ears! “Real men don't buy girls.” and it pans out to Jessica Biel standing in a sea of framed photographs of “real men” like Edward Norton.
Or maybe the one you saw was Justin Timberlake shaving his face with a chainsaw. Regardless of the version, they're all simple, like Ashton. Silly like the Kutchers' online existence has been since they found Twitter. And hey, maybe one of their fans will release the sex slave they have chained under their desk when they realize these stars are laughing for women's freedom.
“Our doing this is not some sort of career strategy thing,” says Ashton, co-founder of the Demi and Ashton Foundation which targets the sexual exploitation of minors. “In fact, I'd probably be doing a lot better in my career if I focused a little more on that and less on this stuff.”
Sure you would, Ashton ... Sure, you would.
The campaign is pointless - men who buy girls are too sick to care what some ad says about them. Better collect money to build schools for little girls so that they have a better chance of supporting themselves and their future families (and they don't have to sell their kids) without being forced into prostitution.