Porn addiction is so dastardly an affliction it's now driving people to burglarize homes. Or at least that's what Minnesota woman Amanda Rose Owens, 18, would have you believe. Owens was caught on camera robbing her neighbor.
The neighbor, Darin Pake, said things began to turn up missing, so he set up a video camera in his home to catch the predator. And when he played back the tape, he saw his former babysitter crawling through his doggy door.
Owens admits to having stolen a camera and money from Pake, and cites a purchase of 20 - 30 porn DVDs as the reason. She says this purchase has put her in debt and she was stealing from Pake to pay for it.
We're not convinced. Those sores on her face in the image on The Smoking Gun could be from just about anything. Not the least of which is scratching from meth mites? But Amanda, darling, when you get out of jail look us up! We'll hook you up with some free porn and a place to talk about it.
Oh wait. Is that enabling? We never can keep these things straight.