Despite the fact that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding from birth until at least age 2, breastfeeding your child beyond that point is sexual and taboo. At least, that's what a town not too far from SexIs HQ seems to think, anyway.
Lawmakers in Forest Park, Ga., passed a law that makes it illegal for women to breastfeed toddlers over two years old in public within the borders of their city. No, we're not just talking “cover yourself up”. If the kid's hungry, you and your baby should make your way to the bathroom stall, or go home, or whatever. Just don't sit here where we can see you.
City Manager John Parker called the law a proactive step in public indecency legislation. “It sets up a process whereby we can try to control nudity throughout the entire city."
Breastfeeding is indecent? It should be treated the same as public nudity? Come on, John. Really?
Some critics are saying this law is in direct opposition with Georgia state legislation which states that a woman may breastfeed her child anywhere she and her child are legally allowed to be. The state law sets no age limitation.
One thing's for sure. Breastfeeding moms and their supporters are not happy.
Lawmakers in Forest Park, Ga., passed a law that makes it illegal for women to breastfeed toddlers over two years old in public within the borders of their city. No, we're not just talking “cover yourself up”. If the kid's hungry, you and your baby should make your way to the bathroom stall, or go home, or whatever. Just don't sit here where we can see you.
City Manager John Parker called the law a proactive step in public indecency legislation. “It sets up a process whereby we can try to control nudity throughout the entire city."
Breastfeeding is indecent? It should be treated the same as public nudity? Come on, John. Really?
Some critics are saying this law is in direct opposition with Georgia state legislation which states that a woman may breastfeed her child anywhere she and her child are legally allowed to be. The state law sets no age limitation.
One thing's for sure. Breastfeeding moms and their supporters are not happy.
That is such BS. I don't agree with them at all. I believe a woman should be able to breastfeed their child as long as they want, when they want too. As long as you aren't purposely flashing your breasts and playing with your nipples in a sexual way and attempt to cover your breast while feeding it shouldn't be crimialized. It's just a tit with milk, good f*cking lord.
Grow up people! Some kids in that town are just jealous their Mom's didn't hook them up!