Did you hear the one about the anti-gay-marriage group whose “online strategist” suddenly changed his mind about his views on marriage and deleted the Facebook page he made in their name?
It goes like this. Louis Marinelli, 25, was once employed by the National Organization for Marriage (Though there seems to be some dispute about that.) And he was a big supporter of the organization; or at least he was until he sent in his resignation, shut down its Facebook page (290,000 fans!) and posted an apology on his own website. It reads almost like a twelve-step program and is perhaps a little on the narcissistic side, but hey—the guy has seen the error of his ways, and he's sorry.
And NOM is pissed. President Brian Brown says Marinelli is violating a confidentiality agreement he signed when he began working for them with the articles he writes about the organization on his blog. Marinelli says Brown is threatening to sue.