"He loved me. He loved me, but he doesn't love me anymore, and it's not the end of the world."
What defines an epic break up? That is different for each person. Perhaps it was a relationship that lasted several years. Maybe it was a relationship that involved being engaged or married. There may have been belongings, pets, or even children that caused the separation to be challenging. Maybe the relationship left your self-esteem lowered or just caused you to feel a little jaded and bitter when you think about relationships. Or perhaps it was a relationship that you did not see ending.
Whatever the reason, at some point you are probably going to think about getting back onto the dating scene. Sometimes this is because you are ready and other times it's because well meaning friends and family are trying to help you feel better. This can be challenging for just about everyone, regardless of age, location, or social networks. How do you go about trying to meet someone new and how do you make a good impression?
First of all you have to take a long hard look at yourself and determine if you are ready to start dating. Have you truly gotten over your previous relationship? Each relationship and each person is different. Perhaps you need time to think things over and work on yourself. Or perhaps you are just ready to jump back into the game. A good test of this is if you can hold a conversation with someone without mentioning this person at all. If you find yourself still referring to that person or that relationship, you may not be ready to get involved with someone new yet. I have to say that one of the quickest turn offs is someone who cannot stop talking about their ex.
If you have not been able to let go of that relationship, it may be time for some self help reading. The following titles might be of interest to you: Dating makes you want to die by Daniel Holloway and Dorothy Robinson, Things I have learned from Women Who Dumped Me edited by Ben Karlin, or Getting Past Your Breakup by Susan Elliot. If that does not work then you might try a few counseling sessions to assist with moving forward in a positive healthy way. Or check out the website Pink Kisses.
Next thing is feeling good about yourself and being confident. For many of us this means feeling good about how we look. Before you meet a potential interest for coffee, dinner, or drinks, take the time to do some prep work. That might include getting your hair done, buying a new outfit, wearing your hair in a sexy style, new shoes, a new fragrance, or adding some fun accessory to your outfit. Whatever it is that makes you feel good about yourself, go for it. Check out the website Gala Darling for some help.
Another important thing when meeting a new potential romantic interest is what are you going to talk about when you meet them. I find it helpful to brainstorm ahead of time so you feel calm and prepared during the hangout. Have you tried any new activities lately? Are you into something like yoga, roller derby, or hiking? Do you have pets? Do you have children? What do you like to do in your free time? Think about things that make you who you are outside of employment or school. While employment and school are good things to talk about, you can quickly run out of things to say. What are some interesting or quirky things that make you happy or excited? Maybe you love going to thrift stores or drinking coffee or listening to music. There is a good chance that this person will have at least one thing in common with you.
It might be awkward getting back into the dating scene. I have had friends who did online dating first to help them get back into the swing of things. This might be an easy way to think about topics that come up when you are meeting someone new like discussing family, career, hobbies, travel, and life experiences. This can be a safe way to try to practice without leaving your home. And who knows, you might make that love connection online...