Definition of Homosexual:
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex.
2. Of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex.
Definition of Gay:
1. homosexual.
2. Of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization.
3. Having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. Synonyms: cheerful, gleeful, happy, glad, cheery, lighthearted, joyous, joyful, jovial; sunny, lively, vivacious, sparkling; chipper, playful, jaunty, sprightly, blithe. Antonyms: serious, grave, solemn, joyless; staid, sedate; unhappy, morose, grim; sad, depressed, melancholy.
4. Bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments. Synonyms: colorful, brilliant, vivid, intense, lustrous; glittering, theatrical, flamboyant. Antonyms: dull, drab, somber, lackluster; conservative.
5. Slang: Often disparaging and offensive. awkward, stupid, or bad; lame: This game is really gay.
To start, we've looked into the meaning of both gay and homosexual. Already, we've found that there is NO provision in the definition of either that a male enjoying anal sex or play is inherently homosexual. I'd like to next take a step to explain why anal play can be so enthralling for men.
The penis, the testicles, the scrotum... all immediately brought to mind when someone speaks of the male sexual organs. While these are absolutely the body parts required for a man to mate and produce offspring, they are in no way the only means of sexual pleasure a man possesses. The anus by itself in either sex has a relatively large number of nerves in comparison with other erogenous zones. In men, the effect of anal stimulation is even more significant than in women because of a shared internal “wall” with the prostate.
Now for an anatomy shot!
The prostate is responsible for producing 50-75% of a man's semen, and when stimulated through either the perineum (between scrotum and anus) or internally by a toy, finger or even another man's penis can cause intense sensations, and it is not uncommon at all for men to orgasm from prostate stimulation at all.
When anal stimulation and prostate stimulation are combined, the sensations can be other worldly for men, producing mind numbing orgasms and in some men even full body muscle spasms. Any man who has had an orgasm while experiencing anal stimulation can certainly attest to this, and most men who have tried it will certainly recommend it; although it is rarely discussed openly due to fear of being deemed gay or homosexual.
We have investigated the anatomical reasons for pleasure derived from anal stimulation, inspected the meaning of the words homosexual and gay, and now I would like inform you about a huge misconception dealing with anal sex and the homosexual population.
Myth: All homosexual men have anal sex.
Truth: Some homosexual men love it and some hate it. Far more homosexual men participate in oral sex and mutual masturbation than in anal sex.
If doing something that homosexual men do together with a female can make you homosexual, then every man on the planet needs to step out of the closet. Ever kissed your partner? Gay men do that. Ever received a blow job? Gay men also do that. Some gay men even eat dinner that their partner prepared them, that must certainly be a homosexual thing to do.
All I ask is that before you judge someone for things they enjoy sexually, you do your research. You may just find out that what you were bashing is very enjoyable. And men, if you've been curious about anal play but don't want to be judged: Try it. Your friends that bash everything as being gay may very well be doing what they make fun of when you aren't around. The best case scenario is you find a new way to pleasure yourself, while the worst case scenario is that you decide it just isn't for you.
Don't hate for what you don't understand, and most importantly remember this: Sex isn't nasty, and between two consenting adults what happens is their business and their business alone.
1. Of, relating to, or characterized by a tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex.
2. Of, relating to, or involving sexual intercourse between persons of the same sex.
Definition of Gay:
1. homosexual.
2. Of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization.
3. Having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music. Synonyms: cheerful, gleeful, happy, glad, cheery, lighthearted, joyous, joyful, jovial; sunny, lively, vivacious, sparkling; chipper, playful, jaunty, sprightly, blithe. Antonyms: serious, grave, solemn, joyless; staid, sedate; unhappy, morose, grim; sad, depressed, melancholy.
4. Bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments. Synonyms: colorful, brilliant, vivid, intense, lustrous; glittering, theatrical, flamboyant. Antonyms: dull, drab, somber, lackluster; conservative.
5. Slang: Often disparaging and offensive. awkward, stupid, or bad; lame: This game is really gay.
To start, we've looked into the meaning of both gay and homosexual. Already, we've found that there is NO provision in the definition of either that a male enjoying anal sex or play is inherently homosexual. I'd like to next take a step to explain why anal play can be so enthralling for men.
The penis, the testicles, the scrotum... all immediately brought to mind when someone speaks of the male sexual organs. While these are absolutely the body parts required for a man to mate and produce offspring, they are in no way the only means of sexual pleasure a man possesses. The anus by itself in either sex has a relatively large number of nerves in comparison with other erogenous zones. In men, the effect of anal stimulation is even more significant than in women because of a shared internal “wall” with the prostate.
Now for an anatomy shot!

The prostate is responsible for producing 50-75% of a man's semen, and when stimulated through either the perineum (between scrotum and anus) or internally by a toy, finger or even another man's penis can cause intense sensations, and it is not uncommon at all for men to orgasm from prostate stimulation at all.
When anal stimulation and prostate stimulation are combined, the sensations can be other worldly for men, producing mind numbing orgasms and in some men even full body muscle spasms. Any man who has had an orgasm while experiencing anal stimulation can certainly attest to this, and most men who have tried it will certainly recommend it; although it is rarely discussed openly due to fear of being deemed gay or homosexual.
We have investigated the anatomical reasons for pleasure derived from anal stimulation, inspected the meaning of the words homosexual and gay, and now I would like inform you about a huge misconception dealing with anal sex and the homosexual population.
Myth: All homosexual men have anal sex.
Truth: Some homosexual men love it and some hate it. Far more homosexual men participate in oral sex and mutual masturbation than in anal sex.
If doing something that homosexual men do together with a female can make you homosexual, then every man on the planet needs to step out of the closet. Ever kissed your partner? Gay men do that. Ever received a blow job? Gay men also do that. Some gay men even eat dinner that their partner prepared them, that must certainly be a homosexual thing to do.
All I ask is that before you judge someone for things they enjoy sexually, you do your research. You may just find out that what you were bashing is very enjoyable. And men, if you've been curious about anal play but don't want to be judged: Try it. Your friends that bash everything as being gay may very well be doing what they make fun of when you aren't around. The best case scenario is you find a new way to pleasure yourself, while the worst case scenario is that you decide it just isn't for you.
Don't hate for what you don't understand, and most importantly remember this: Sex isn't nasty, and between two consenting adults what happens is their business and their business alone.
Wish more guys would read this
EVERYONE should read this!!
These comments didn't show up in my e-mail, but I agree! The general stigma attached to male anal stimulation really needs to end!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Great piece. Initially my wife was a bit confused (as was I), but part of our play. Still haven't got the courage to do the full "pegging" thing, but I think we'll get there.
I haven't personally moved to pegging yet (though I want to!) and I can only wish you the best!
This is a wonderful article. I wish I had read this years ago, I felt so dumb and naive for being so closeminded.
Good job. We must have been on the same wavelength. I wrote a similar article awaiting publication!
I wholeheartedly agree.