The most controversial topics regarding breastfeeding tend to circulate around topics such as public breastfeeding and age. Woman are under public scrutiny in America when they breastfeed in public places because the act of breastfeeding is seen as exposure of the female breast and improper to some people. Lactating women are having to battle with providing nutrition to their babies while trying to please the public’s expectations of decency. Then we have the issues of weening our children and socially acceptable age limits. Breast milk, being such a nutritious, bodily made product, is being targeted because our breasts have become more of a sexualized body part than it is something with a purpose. Breasts do serve a purpose, after all, and a very good one at that. Speaking of breasts, what about breastfeeding an adult? Yes, this is something that can be both sexual and productive, yet it falls outside of our social norms. If we can barely think of the idea of breastfeeding a child over 2 years old, how can we accept breastfeeding an adult on a regular basis?
There’s a little known community of couples who are in an Adult Nursing Relationship (ANR). Some women in these folds have previously had children and instead of drying up gave their milk to their partners. Others, who wanted an ANR relationship and have never produced milk, have induced milk production to meet the needs of both herself and her partner. Even if a woman has never become pregnant, with stimulation, she can produce milk.
Having an ANR relationship takes a lot of hard work. Couples in these relationships revolve their schedules around daily sessions of nursing, whether they are wet (lactating) or dry (nonlactating). Some prefer the milk and some prefer no milk. The allure is not just the milk; it is also the time spent with their partner in this unique form of bonding. It is said to cause a stronger bond because of the intimacy and nurturing that comes from these frequent sessions.
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Breast milk is also an excellent source of nutrition. It’s better for you than cow milk. And it’s cheaper because your own body produces it! Inducing lactation can take several consistent sessions over a course of a few weeks to a few months. After inducing lactation, a strict schedule must stay in place or discomfort from engorgement will feel like a bad punishment. Drying up will also occur if not “milked” on a regular basis.
Not all sessions result in sex. Some men are breast men who have a sexual fetish for breastfeeding while others just enjoy the quality time they spend with their partners. Others enjoy the taste of breast milk and the benefits that come with it. Some people need it for their diets. There are even women who enjoy drinking from another woman, and there are also several websites and forums available on the web to find someone who wants to start an ANR relationship, with or without an actual relationship.
Land of Milk and Honey is an excellent resource for learning more about ANR relationships and how to induce lactation.