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Anti-Depressants and your sex life.
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Being bi-polar took a toll on my sex life, so I got on medication and that took a toll on my sex life. I came to the realization that there is just no winning.


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Contributor: ShinySuicide

Great article!

Contributor: chicagobearsfan

Good luck, and I hope you get it figured out. I'm glad you have such a great support system.I'm can't orgasm ever, AND now I'm about to go onto antidepressants, so we'll see how that goes.

Contributor: VeganChick (is Gone)

Try a different medication! I have bipolar and have been through the same thing. Cymbalta did wonders for my mood swings and OCD but it took 45-70mins to cum and it was so hard to! I switched to Prozac, which isn't as effective for me, and it still takes 10-25mins to cum as opposed to 30 secs off meds, but I'm better off having a sex life I am comfortable with.



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