The Halloween Evolution
Every fall, sometime between mid-September and early October, I’m reminded of why Halloween has evolved into one of my favorite holidays. It starts with the arrival of the fall Frederick’s of Hollywood catalog, which always features the latest and greatest (or at least the sexiest) women’s Halloween costumes. This year, highlights included Shanghai Girl; a Provocative Pirate; the ever-popular Naughty Nurse; Gangster Girl; and the Queen of Hearts. All outfits feature cleavage-friendly tops and micromini hemlines—you supply the high heels.
Just when or why did Halloween costumes go playfully XXX? Of course, the current ubiquity of porn has something to do with it, but there are other forces at work, as well.
“It’s really this manifestation of our other side that we’re usually not allowed to have,” says certified sexologist Veronica Monet, ACS, CAM (who is also the director of content development for the Sex Talk Radio Network and SexIs’ newest contributing sexpert). “A lot of women do have this slutty, whorish side that they would really like to cut loose and let out of the box, but, unfortunately, there are a lot of repercussions for doing so.”
Monet points out that many men have a feminine side that they enjoy exploring, but don’t have permission. “Both genders are out of balance the way our culture has it arranged. Halloween is a time when people sort of get to balance that out and be more whole—and it’s a time when society tends to embrace and celebrate things that it might ordinarily find a little off-putting.”
The flag is up! (Click costume images for more info)
Just when or why did Halloween costumes go playfully XXX? Of course, the current ubiquity of porn has something to do with it, but there are other forces at work, as well.
“It’s really this manifestation of our other side that we’re usually not allowed to have,” says certified sexologist Veronica Monet, ACS, CAM (who is also the director of content development for the Sex Talk Radio Network and SexIs’ newest contributing sexpert). “A lot of women do have this slutty, whorish side that they would really like to cut loose and let out of the box, but, unfortunately, there are a lot of repercussions for doing so.”
Monet points out that many men have a feminine side that they enjoy exploring, but don’t have permission. “Both genders are out of balance the way our culture has it arranged. Halloween is a time when people sort of get to balance that out and be more whole—and it’s a time when society tends to embrace and celebrate things that it might ordinarily find a little off-putting.”

The flag is up! (Click costume images for more info)