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  • Tuesdays With Nina: Husband is Impotent and Won't Seek Help

    January 31, 2012
    Tuesdays With Nina: Husband is Impotent and Won't Seek Help
    Everybody makes jokes about how once you get married, you stop having sex, but it's really no joke when a couple struggles with issues that prevent them from having a satisfying sex life or in the case of some couples, any sex life at all.
    Nina's received a letter from a woman who is desperate to enjoy sex with her husband, but because of several issues resulting from bad circumcision, he refuses to participate in their sex life. He won't seek help from a doctor to overcome these issues and he won't participate in his wife's pleasure. She seeks satisfaction on her own, but is asking for advice from Nina on how to cope without intimacy from her husband.

    Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while we can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.

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  • Tuesdays With Nina: Coping With Painful Sex

    January 17, 2012
    Tuesdays With Nina: Coping With Painful Sex
    Nothing can be so frustrating as a condition that keeps you from enjoying your favorite sexual position!
    Today, Nina answers a question from a reader who is suffering from a small medical condition that, while not serious, has kept him from enjoying sex with his wife in his favorite position. He has a stone on his epididymis and a cyst on one of his testicles. His doctor says it's not serious enough to treat, but he suffers intense pain whenever his wife and he try to have sex in the cowgirl position. Is he doomed to a sexlife without his favorite position? Nina has some possible solutions that might help solve or at least help cope with this painful problem.

    Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while we can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.

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  • Tuesdays With Nina: Year End Round-Up — Donuts, Condoms, Cock Rings and Pseudonyms

    December 27, 2011
    Tuesdays With Nina: Year End Round-Up — Donuts, Condoms, Cock Rings and Pseudonyms
    Nina is wrapping up the year with a collection of questions on several topics.
    First, Nina talks about where to find, how to use and how to care for the clear, silicone donut she uses when wearing a strap-on. Next, Nina discusses how to use cock rings and condoms together. Finally, she addresses the tricky subject of using your real name online, in conjunction with a sex-related website start-up. Should you use a pseudonym? Should you hide who you are to protect your privacy and employment prospects outside the sex-related world in the future?

    Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while we can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.

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  • Tuesdays With Nina: I Hate Sex

    December 13, 2011
    Tuesdays With Nina: I Hate Sex
    What do you do if you hate sex, but still want a relationship? is it normal to want nothing to do with sex? Is it possible to find a companion who can accept this or perhaps even shares your lack of desire?
    Our culture (heck SexIs itself) seems to be sex-obsessed and people tend to be shocked and surprised by the idea that someone just doesn't enjoy sex. There must be something wrong, right? Not necessarily. But, the fact is, many people just don't enjoy sex. They want relationships and companionship, but struggle with others' expectations that they be interested in sex as part of the package. Nina talks about the concept of asexuality and lets her listener know that there are people out there just like her.

    Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while we can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.

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