Sex and all things sexual
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  • Letter from the Editor: Two Contests and New Types of Submissions!

    September 14, 2012
    Letter from the Editor: Two Contests and New Types of Submissions!
    You guys are always writing in with topic suggestions, and questions about what kinds of topics we'll accept, and when we're holding our next contest. So we figured we'd give you a quick update, including some information on where to find things.
    New Types of Submissions!

    Each month, we provide a number of writing prompts to get the creative juices flowing. You can find new writing prompts and suggest some topics of your own on the SexIs section of the EdenFantasys forum.

    We've recently added a few types of accepted submissions to the list. You can find them all, and their descriptions, here at this thread. Please be sure to check the Submission Guidelines before submitting content. And watch the forum for new prompts and topic suggestions every month. Here are this month's suggestions.

    Community Choice Topic Suggestion Contest!

    We decided to make Community Choice Topic Suggestion Contest a monthly thing. It's super easy. Keep your eyes on the SexIs section of the EdenFantasys forum, every month, and a new thread will be posted where you can make three topic suggestions. The winning topics will be added to our writing prompts for the next month. If your topic suggestion wins, you get EdenPoints to go shopping with! This month's thread is right here. Go tell us what you want to read and write about!

    Writing Contest!

    We had such an awesome response to the last writing contest, and received such excellent submissions, we decided to hold another one! In fact, we might just make this a recurring thing!

    You can find the details to the contest going on right now in this thread right here. The grand prize is over $150 in Dona body care products by System JO!

    Anyone can enter, whether you've been contributing with us forever, or haven't gotten around to creating an account yet. You will, however, have to go ahead and create that account. But it's quick, painless, and free. Everyone likes free, right?

    As always...

    We're always accepting quality content from anyone who has something to say on the subjects of sex and sexuality. It's really simple. All you need is a free account, for which you can register with Facebook, Google, or AOL. Then, just find the "Publish SexIs Article" link in your EdenFantasys dashboard, enter your article into the system, and submit it to our editors for review. You can find the details here in the SexIs Social Submission Guidelines.

    Please email rayne(at)edenfantasys(dot)com with any questions you may have.

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  • SexIs Social Writing Contest: And the winners are...

    August 21, 2012
    SexIs Social Writing Contest: And the winners are...
    We put out the call. You answered. We were amazed by the response and raw talent we received. And now? We find we're forced to choose winners.
    Remember in July we announced the beginning of a wonderful marriage of the EdenFantasys community and SexIs Magazine? Remember we decided to kick it off with a writing contest?

    Well, we've tallied up the scores and votes. You can find a list of all the contest entries here on the forum. And now it's time to give you the results!

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  • Letter from the Editor: Introducing SexIs Social!

    July 17, 2012
    Letter from the Editor: Introducing SexIs Social!
    We've been talking about major changes since March. You've waited so patiently. We're ready now. Are you?
    Hello, there! How've you been? We've been pretty good! Thanks for asking.

    I don't know if you've noticed, but there's been a lot going on, recently, in the background at our parent company EdenFantasys. We've updated the design of our homepage and made mobile access easier. We've made a ton of changes to existing programs, and added a lot of new products and brands to our inventory. And this month, we're celebrating 10 years in business! How awesome is that?

    So now it's about time for a facelift for SexIs, don't you think?

    We thought so, too. And so the planning began.

    But where do we start?

    Well, there's never been any real connection between SexIs and the EdenFantasys Community. SexIs existed, and community members read it, but aside from a few occasional comments and some forum threads, the two never really interacted. We'd definitely like to change that. And it seems like some of you would, too. So we put our heads together and worked out the best way to combine the two.

    It was only a few months ago we were announcing big changes to SexIs. We talked about becoming more social, open, and inclusive. We asked the EdenFantasys Community to begin submitting content, and they have, and they're doing great! So we'd like to take it a step further.

    It's called SexIs Social, and it's powered by you. All you have to do is sign up for a free account at, click on “Publish SexIs Article” in your dashboard sidebar and follow the instructions provided. It's that easy.

    When you're finished filling out all the sections in the article submission wizard, submit it for review. We'll read it over, put on a few small finishing touches (mostly correcting anything you miss) and publish your article as soon as possible. You can find more details about the program in this forum thread. Please check it out when you have a moment. In the meantime...

    We'd like to get this gathering of brilliant, sex positive minds started with a bang. You know how we do. So we thought we'd hold a writing competition. Grand prize? $100 cash for each of the winner's next three published articles (topic and deadlines to be discussed), with the possibility of a long term paid writing contract if the articles do well with the community and SexIs audience, and their articles will be featured on the homepage. Yes, really.

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  • EdenGivesBack: Get Tree Happy for Earth Day #1toy1tree

    April 16, 2012
    EdenGivesBack: Get Tree Happy for Earth Day  #1toy1tree
    Have you heard the word? EdenFantasys and Evolved Novelties are joining up for another inspiring collaberation: One Toy One Tree. From now through April 23rd, every Evolved toy you purchase will result in our joint donation of one tree to
    We've had an awesome relationship with Evolved Novelties through the years, especially with regard to our EdenGivesBack community projects. Evolved has stepped up to the plate time and time again to get involved when we're looking for someone to help us help the world around us.

    Evolved’s own community-minded project revolves around their vibe, Faith. They believe in breast cancer awareness and a portion of Faith’s proceeds continually support Save the Ta-Tas. Last year, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Evolved and Eden encouraged everyone to raise awareness in ourselves and our loved ones about breast cancer prevention. For every pink toy purchased on Eden for the month of October, EdenFantasys and Evolved donated $1 to the Save the Ta-Tas Foundation.

    In support of World AIDS Day, Evolved teamed up with EdenFantasys to celebrate World AIDS Day, and fundraise some dough for the AIDS Service Center of NYC. This time we took our message to Twitter to get people involved. We told everyone that if we got 1000 tweets about World AIDS Day, we'd donate $1000 to AIDS Service Center NYC, and we got quite a few more than 1000!

    This time, with Evolved's help, we're saving the environment one toy sale at a time.

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