So, Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden. Adam looks down at his penis, and frankly, apart from its function, does not give it another thought. Why? Because he has nothing to compare it to.
Of course in the days since the fall, men have had a lot of time to cross-reference other men’s packages. And being testosterone driven and hard-wired for competition, they started to wonder if their package packed the most punch.
So, just how hung is well hung? Does size really matter? According to Nina, it is…you may have guessed it… not the meat, but the motion. This week, Nina explains how to satisfy a partner with what you’ve got, no matter what the proportion.
Got something you want to ask Nina? (Of course you do.) Drop her a line at Now, while can’t promise that every question received will get a personal response, however, those that do will be answered frankly, entertainingly, enlighteningly and, if we know Nina, in the spirit of happy, healthy sex and a satisfied libido.