If there ever was a time to rise up and fight for our right to freedom of the press, it’s now—the White House has banned reporters from taking any pictures of President Obama without a shirt on.
While on vacation in Hawaii this week, the press pool’s been kept at a good distance while the Commander-in-Chief went snorkeling and beach hopping. The photographers were told that no super zoom telephoto lenses or other sneaky attempts would be tolerated, if such attempts were in the interest of taking a pic of Barry’s beautifully sculpted, breathtaking upper torso.
The heartbreaking news comes as a result of last year’s presidential vacation, where Mr. Obama’s shirtless, surfing form was captured for all posterity with such captions as “Buff Bam is Hawaii hunk.” Apparently, the White House has been a little wary of the masses ogling the President’s perfect pectorals since then—it seems whenever there’s watery vacation in store, the Prez puts a gag order on any lewd photos.
As Obama told photographers during a trip to Florida’s Gulf Coast, “I’m not going to let you guys take a picture of me with my shirt off.” Censorship! We the People demand the right to drool at the sight of your manly chest! Sir.