"The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is “What does a woman want?”"
A Man's guide to Women: Making her happy in and out of the bedroom
If you want to get into the mind of a women, and figure out what we want, enter our world. A magazine is a simple thing but it gives tips on what we want. If your planing a date night, looking for different ways to please your partner in bed, it's simple: pick up your girlfriend's magazine. There is no reason why the magazine should just be read by women...
However, sexism is still a very real thing in this day and age. Boys are supposed to play with G-I Joe and girls have to play with barbie. This isn't true for everyone obviously. I've seen so many men get upset to see their sons playing with a doll. These stereotypes are buried deep in our psyche.
These stereotypes cause us to shy away from certain items or activities. Times are changing and the lines are being crossed. Now that the world is more open, and not as sexist, we should take advantage of it. A man reading a woman's magazine might seem like a small thing, and it is small. It is also a good way to assert the fact that, as a man, you can do what you want and read what you want.
While getting over the sexism is great, and empowering, it also serves a purpose. Reading a woman's magazine can help you to understand how we think. Not only can it give you an idea about what we want you to do, but also the articles are helpful for men too. I don't understand why these magazines are even considered woman's magazines as I think they are much more helpful to men. What I think is irrelevant, though, I have found that many men who read even one single article get more out of the experience then most women. A particular group of men I knew found some "women's magazines" in a break room and got sucked in. They started swapping magazines, talking about what they learned...actually talking! They almost had a magazine group similar to a book group. They talked about what had worked in their relationships, in bed and just enjoyed the magazine. The magazine that they found was Cosmopolitan, which they liked because it had relationship and sex advice.
Cosmopolitan has a versatility that makes it a great magazine for men who are comfortable with their masculinity. Women; this article could give you some great ideas too! Get your man to read your monthly edition or read it together. Stop trying to fix your relationship/sex life by yourself get your partner to do a little work. Cosmopolitan has always been thought of as a magazine by women for women. To think that the magazine could only be written by women is a misconception, it is simply not true, and frankly, is a little sexist. This is true of all women's magazines. Some of the greatest and most interesting articles in Cosmopolitan, and other magazines for women, are written by men. However, whether or not a specific piece is done by a man, woman, or even collaboration between the two is unimportant. The only fact that matters is how effective the information is.
One of the primary, or at least main reasons, a woman reads a magazine like Cosmopolitan is as a way to help improve her sex life, as well as her relationships. I use Cosmo as an example simply because it includes sex advice, but any magazine your girlfriend, or wife, is reading can be helpful.
As women, and it might seem irrational, we want to be romanced by the men in our lives. We want them to come up with the idea for the perfect date. At the same time, we have basic ideas in our heads about what is romantic and what is not. Sometimes we can be silly and we decide not to tell our guys what we want, but at the same time we want the date, or romantic gesture, to match the ideas we have in our heads.
If you're lucky enough to have a straight forward partner who says I want to do this, then this, and finish with this; listen to her! She is giving you a gift, TAKE IT! However, keep in mind that sometimes a woman says she only wants something simple or nothing at all, this can be a minefield. She could actually want that or maybe she wants to be surprised, or she wants something big but doesn't think you can afford it or doesn't want to ask. If you find yourself in this situation then listen to her tone, listen to her see if she drops hints and finally seek reinforcements- talk to the women in her life, her friends, possibly her mother. These sources are typically a gold mine; do your research and be prepared for everything to go wrong anyway. If you choose the wrong door then at least you can tell her that you tried your best and have the people in her life to back you up. That should count for something.
Sexually the articles in Cosmopolitan give tips on woman's sensitive areas, things that drive us, and our men, crazy and positions that will improve the sex life and make for better, more powerful, orgasms for both people involved. It also contains a multitude of new ideas that make for a much more interesting relationship, sexually as well as emotionally. Even though we, personally, can use the magazine as a guide; a good number of the tips have to do with areas that only our partner can utilize.
Women can use the articles to guide their partner towards what feels good, or moves we wish to try, but it would be much more useful if you cut out the middleman and just read the articles yourself. That way you don't have to be guided, this is especially important for men with female partners that have trouble expressing what they might want or need.
Whatever magazine she reads will be helpful to her guy because it will give you an idea what she likes and possibly how she thinks. In my own case the reason that I like Cosmopolitan is that it is empowering it is sexual, romantic and I am unashamed that this is a good reflection of my personality.
There are also articles dealing with some of the issues that men deal with are included in most women's magazines so there is redeeming value for guys looking to spice up a date night for their lucky lady. Some of these ideas may seem simple to us as women, and our magazines always seem to include one or two really interesting twists on the old 'tried and true' romance ideas that men never seem to try! Some of these ideas are relatively inexpensive but mean so much in simple ways.
Another great reason for a man to read the magazines is that just like some woman might enjoy reading articles about other women, there are great articles in these magazines about men. While the articles about men are meant to aid women on how to please her partner, they could also help a man to see that they aren't the only ones going through certain problems, and that the feelings that they have are normal. These magazines allow us to say that it's okay to experiment and express ourselves sexually in many different ways. Sex doesn't have to be boring, and it is possible for both partners to achieve multiple orgasms, despite rumors to the contrary.
The magazine can give you tips on improving your sex life and it can make you feel more comfortable in the bedroom. Once you feel safe talking about your sexuality, it becomes easier to introduce new things. This in turn creates a more relaxed atmosphere to openly broach certain subjects with your partner.
Just remember that while it's important for you to be comfortable it's just as important for your partner to feel comfortable! If they say no to a suggestion don't get discouraged. You could try to ask your partner what his/her fantasy is, or even read a magazine together. Some of the sexier articles could even help to get you in the mood! They could help you find a way to compromise. Everyone has something they feel awkward about so keep that in mind when you are trying to reach a compromise. Comprising sexually can be a win/win situation: you both get to try something new,and have a little fun!
I, personally, know guys that thought that these magazines were a joke. They mocked the magazines, and their readers, mercilessly but after they read a few articles these same guts were hooked! Some of them even said said that by reading one magazine they were able to draw parallels and learn more about their relationships than they had previously known. So guy, if these previously skeptical men can glean some much needed insight into the problem they had faced in and out of relationships from a "silly woman's magazine" maybe, just maybe, you could too!
However, sexism is still a very real thing in this day and age. Boys are supposed to play with G-I Joe and girls have to play with barbie. This isn't true for everyone obviously. I've seen so many men get upset to see their sons playing with a doll. These stereotypes are buried deep in our psyche.
These stereotypes cause us to shy away from certain items or activities. Times are changing and the lines are being crossed. Now that the world is more open, and not as sexist, we should take advantage of it. A man reading a woman's magazine might seem like a small thing, and it is small. It is also a good way to assert the fact that, as a man, you can do what you want and read what you want.
While getting over the sexism is great, and empowering, it also serves a purpose. Reading a woman's magazine can help you to understand how we think. Not only can it give you an idea about what we want you to do, but also the articles are helpful for men too. I don't understand why these magazines are even considered woman's magazines as I think they are much more helpful to men. What I think is irrelevant, though, I have found that many men who read even one single article get more out of the experience then most women. A particular group of men I knew found some "women's magazines" in a break room and got sucked in. They started swapping magazines, talking about what they learned...actually talking! They almost had a magazine group similar to a book group. They talked about what had worked in their relationships, in bed and just enjoyed the magazine. The magazine that they found was Cosmopolitan, which they liked because it had relationship and sex advice.
Cosmopolitan has a versatility that makes it a great magazine for men who are comfortable with their masculinity. Women; this article could give you some great ideas too! Get your man to read your monthly edition or read it together. Stop trying to fix your relationship/sex life by yourself get your partner to do a little work. Cosmopolitan has always been thought of as a magazine by women for women. To think that the magazine could only be written by women is a misconception, it is simply not true, and frankly, is a little sexist. This is true of all women's magazines. Some of the greatest and most interesting articles in Cosmopolitan, and other magazines for women, are written by men. However, whether or not a specific piece is done by a man, woman, or even collaboration between the two is unimportant. The only fact that matters is how effective the information is.
One of the primary, or at least main reasons, a woman reads a magazine like Cosmopolitan is as a way to help improve her sex life, as well as her relationships. I use Cosmo as an example simply because it includes sex advice, but any magazine your girlfriend, or wife, is reading can be helpful.
As women, and it might seem irrational, we want to be romanced by the men in our lives. We want them to come up with the idea for the perfect date. At the same time, we have basic ideas in our heads about what is romantic and what is not. Sometimes we can be silly and we decide not to tell our guys what we want, but at the same time we want the date, or romantic gesture, to match the ideas we have in our heads.
If you're lucky enough to have a straight forward partner who says I want to do this, then this, and finish with this; listen to her! She is giving you a gift, TAKE IT! However, keep in mind that sometimes a woman says she only wants something simple or nothing at all, this can be a minefield. She could actually want that or maybe she wants to be surprised, or she wants something big but doesn't think you can afford it or doesn't want to ask. If you find yourself in this situation then listen to her tone, listen to her see if she drops hints and finally seek reinforcements- talk to the women in her life, her friends, possibly her mother. These sources are typically a gold mine; do your research and be prepared for everything to go wrong anyway. If you choose the wrong door then at least you can tell her that you tried your best and have the people in her life to back you up. That should count for something.
Sexually the articles in Cosmopolitan give tips on woman's sensitive areas, things that drive us, and our men, crazy and positions that will improve the sex life and make for better, more powerful, orgasms for both people involved. It also contains a multitude of new ideas that make for a much more interesting relationship, sexually as well as emotionally. Even though we, personally, can use the magazine as a guide; a good number of the tips have to do with areas that only our partner can utilize.
Women can use the articles to guide their partner towards what feels good, or moves we wish to try, but it would be much more useful if you cut out the middleman and just read the articles yourself. That way you don't have to be guided, this is especially important for men with female partners that have trouble expressing what they might want or need.
Whatever magazine she reads will be helpful to her guy because it will give you an idea what she likes and possibly how she thinks. In my own case the reason that I like Cosmopolitan is that it is empowering it is sexual, romantic and I am unashamed that this is a good reflection of my personality.
There are also articles dealing with some of the issues that men deal with are included in most women's magazines so there is redeeming value for guys looking to spice up a date night for their lucky lady. Some of these ideas may seem simple to us as women, and our magazines always seem to include one or two really interesting twists on the old 'tried and true' romance ideas that men never seem to try! Some of these ideas are relatively inexpensive but mean so much in simple ways.
Another great reason for a man to read the magazines is that just like some woman might enjoy reading articles about other women, there are great articles in these magazines about men. While the articles about men are meant to aid women on how to please her partner, they could also help a man to see that they aren't the only ones going through certain problems, and that the feelings that they have are normal. These magazines allow us to say that it's okay to experiment and express ourselves sexually in many different ways. Sex doesn't have to be boring, and it is possible for both partners to achieve multiple orgasms, despite rumors to the contrary.
The magazine can give you tips on improving your sex life and it can make you feel more comfortable in the bedroom. Once you feel safe talking about your sexuality, it becomes easier to introduce new things. This in turn creates a more relaxed atmosphere to openly broach certain subjects with your partner.
Just remember that while it's important for you to be comfortable it's just as important for your partner to feel comfortable! If they say no to a suggestion don't get discouraged. You could try to ask your partner what his/her fantasy is, or even read a magazine together. Some of the sexier articles could even help to get you in the mood! They could help you find a way to compromise. Everyone has something they feel awkward about so keep that in mind when you are trying to reach a compromise. Comprising sexually can be a win/win situation: you both get to try something new,and have a little fun!
I, personally, know guys that thought that these magazines were a joke. They mocked the magazines, and their readers, mercilessly but after they read a few articles these same guts were hooked! Some of them even said said that by reading one magazine they were able to draw parallels and learn more about their relationships than they had previously known. So guy, if these previously skeptical men can glean some much needed insight into the problem they had faced in and out of relationships from a "silly woman's magazine" maybe, just maybe, you could too!