Masturbation Is Healthy!
It is perfectly healthy to masturbate. Playing with one's self is often the first kind of sexual experience anyone has, and rightfully so. You have all the parts needed to enjoy one of the most amazing things the human body is capable of.
It is perfectly okay to do things your own way, as there is no normal when it comes to masturbation. If you are the kind of person who wants to stare into a mirror while you rub yourself with wild abandon...that is perfectly fine. If you want to thrust into a hot apple pie, all American Pie style...that's fine too (but seriously, try a finger in the pie first! No one wants to go to the emergency room for 3rd degree burns on their cock).
No one has to know how you do it, or why you do it. Just remember that pleasing yourself can be one of the safest, most pleasurable experiences you will ever have. Be careful, keep things moist, and get after it!
Masturbation Statistics Infographic (Courtesy of
As you can see in the graphic, masturbation is more common than anyone wants to talk about. Chances are, someone you know is playing with themselves somewhere...and that is great. Just because you don't want to think about different people masturbating doesn't mean that it is wrong or dirty.
How To Masturbate
If you have no idea how to masturbate or think you are doing it wrong, have no fear. There is no set way to do it, and it is up to you to find what works best for you. Start with a hand and touch/caress/play with your genitals. If you need mental stimulation to get things going, throw on some porn, find a sex story online, or think about something that makes you particularly horny.
If you feel weird physically touching yourself, consider looking into sex toys for men - your best male masturbator. is out there, waiting. Eden Fantasys has just about everything your heart could ever desire, and there are products for women and men.
Men, you heard right. Women are not the only ones who can use sex toys. I recommend them for guys, because instead of worrying whether or not that cute girl at the bar has can go home and take care of yourself. No call nine months down the road because the condom broke (You did use one right?!?!?), no visit to the clinic because you are worried about a new bump or rash. Consider buying yourself something. Get over the societal stigma that men who use toys are perverts. Men who are willing to take care of their own sexual needs and not risk the spread of disease or unwanted pregnancies should be praised!
In Closing
Masturbation is healthy, can be very enjoyable, and is certainly okay! Embrace your sexuality, but do it carefully. You've been given the gift of working sexual organs that you can use any time you see fit (whether for the release of sexual tension, to relieve stress, or just out of boredom). Use it to your advantage. A lover who knows their body well is a better lover than one who doesn't!
Remember: Sex isn't nasty, and neither is taking your own sexual needs into your own hands (no pun intended). Don't worry what the world might think, just do it.