Is anal sex really worth it? It hurts at first and can be nasty some of the time. However, if you use the right lube and douche about 3 hours ahead of time, it can be completely worth it! A every small number of people can actually have an anal orgasm, but it's like the g-spot orgasm; if you can get there it is AMAZING! I was scared at first, but my husband talked me into it, and I loved it. The more you do it, the more you get used to it, and the better it feels. It is an amazing feeling once you get used to it. I would never have thought it would have been as amazing as it was. Trying new things can sometimes be scary. But why always have boring sex? Try something new, just give it a chance. Trust me, once it quits hurting you will never go back. Plus he would not have to use a condom and can come inside of you and you do not have to worry about getting pregnant.
One very important thing you always need to do before anal sex is to make sure you both are completely comfortable with each other and with what you are about to do. Having anal sex isn't just scary but it can be embarrassing as well. Things may happen that you didn't plan on happening. Just make sure that you are both comfortable with each other enough that if something does go wrong during the fun, you can always laugh about it later.
A lot of people find that anal sex is something they can use to enhance their regular sex activities. A little anal play is almost always welcomed during oral sex as well.
Here are some tips:
1. You need to start slow. If your partner slips in too fast or pushes too hard it can cause extreme pain and can even cause a little ripping. They need to do it nice and slow so you can experience it all and be safe.
2. You want to make sure you use the right kind of lube. I prefer water based lubricants and you need to use more than you normally would to ease the pain. It helps things slip in with much better ease.
3. The best position for me is to have the one receiving the anal to lie on their back with their knees in the air. The one giving the anal should lie facing their partner and insert themselves slowly and at an angle that is comfortable for both of them. This way the one who is receiving can relax several of their muscles for a more pleasurable time.
Always be careful when having anal sex. Make sure it feels good, that you are both comfortable, and that you are both ready. Make sure you have every thing you need close at hand and within reach and everything will be just fine. Just relax and enjoy.