Be Realistic
Set goals that make sense. Every permanent change takes time; no matter what your goals are. Set yourself up for success by starting goals that will easily be reached. Once you reach your first goal, you'll feel empowered and will be able to set a second goal. You might consider making the second goal a little more challenging, but having expectations that are too high for yourself will only bring you down and make you feel like giving up if you happen to give in to your emotions. Several smaller goals will make you much more successful than a single large one. Your overall goal for the year might be the same, but set the pace for making it much easier to reach.
When you share your goals with others, it helps to hold you accountable. If your family and friends know that you're trying to improve your life, it might be harder for you to give in when you're around them. Not only that, but you could even ask someone to check in on you each week to see how you're doing with your goals. When you keep these desires to yourself, it's easier to say 'to hell with it' and throw in the towel since the only person you're disappointing is yourself. Share with your partner, your family, and your friends. Be excited about the changes you're going to make and ask that they go through this journey with you!
Put Pen To Paper
Or fingers to keys and write out your feelings. You could start a journal or a blog that will not only help you to track your progress, but it gives you something to look back on when you're feeling defeated. Chances are, after a couple months when you feel like giving up, you'll be able to look back to how things were when you started and it might motivate you to keep pressing toward your goals. On day 40, you'll be able to look back and day 1 and see changes that you might have otherwise over looked.
Letting out your emotions on 'paper' might also be a great release to overcome the emotions you're feeling. If you're working on anger issues, writing out how you feel might calm you down. If you're trying to quit smoking, keeping your hands busy with typing about your craving might help to relieve it. If you're working on eating healthier, expressing your desires might help to eliminate that want. Writing things out is a huge positive and can help in so many different ways.
Connecting With Others
If you choose to start a blog, you're also sharing your experiences with others. Overcoming your struggles might help someone else who's going through the same things. Finding others who are going through the same things also helps to make you feel less alone and more encouraged. While writing out your daily life is important, it's also great to look for someone else who has had success, and read their stories. Finding others who have overcome the things you're struggling with, might make your goal seem a lot easier. Connecting with others is a great way for everyone to lift each other up, hold each other accountable, and reach your goals together!
Remember You're Human
No one is perfect. No matter what goal you're setting for yourself, it's important to keep in mind that mistakes happen. You're going to slip up and eat that cookie, you might give in to having a cigarette, you might get too easily annoyed at your spouse; no matter what it is that you're working on, don't allow a little slip up to ruin your goals. When you expect for everything to be different overnight, you're only setting yourself up for failure.
Take the time to set your goals appropriately and you'll be impressed by the results!