So those are your basic types of floggers! Keep in mind the matter of sanitation with all of these things! Certain leathers require oils but most of these can be cleaned with a mix of water or alcohol. When talking about any kind of leather though, please refer to proper leather care instructions. Most toy cleaners are a pretty safe bet as well. Always clean your toys and store them properly! This will ensure the safety of your partners as well as the longevity of your toys!
I also want to mention that the type of handle that comes on your toy is important! This is all personal preference of course and there are floggers that double as penetration toys as well as impact toys! Research and figure out whats best for you!
A note on genital impact play. Please be careful. Your naughty bits are sensitive and you can sustain permanent nerve damage if you get hit the wrong way. Don’t go over board with it and use softer materials and never go in just swinging at someone’s dick or clit. Try to aim for fattier areas that contain less nerve endings. If you aren’t skilled with aiming and controlling a flogger then don’t do it AT ALL.
Also keep in mind that at the end of the day you are hitting someone and probably causing some degree of pain. Health and mental state need to be monitored carefully and a first aid kit needs to be kept close by.