Most unfortunate acronym ever: News reports refer to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in the Philippines as MILF. Sounds like something out of an Austin Powers movie, doesn't it? Just so you know, MILF thinks Osama bin Laden is a martyr. And the Philippine Daily Inquirer says that MILF needs to make sure “its unruly spawn will not stand in the way of renewed efforts for a just and lasting peace in Mindanao.” That MILF might have “unruly spawn” … okay, yeah, it’s Monday morning and we are easily amused.
No one from the Philippines MILF, then, would have been attending the MILF Beauty Pageant on Saturday night at Andy's Bar and Courthouse Square in Denton, Texas, where contestants either had to be a mom or had to be “over 28 and smokin' hot.” Among other things.
The Philippine MILF has been around for decades, apparently, though we only just discovered it today. The porn-y term MILF, we think, was coined by writers for the American Pie movie franchise and obviously caught on a lot faster, at least in America. No wonder Muslim extremist political groups hate western media? But maybe they ought to think about changing the name ...