If you were at an improv show and people shouted out “kangaroo,” “Prague,” and “lingerie,” you’d have thought the actors were screwed, right?
Well, Benji could have provided them with a story. Benji, a kangaroo that escaped from the home of his owner Petr Hlabovic in Prague, hopped from yard to yard and, along his bouncy way, stole “only the sexiest items off washing lines,” according to IOL. He was nabbed after a woman looked out her window to see him nicking her favorite knickers off the clothesline.
Police knew that Benji had sprung himself; then, when they started calls about stolen drawers, the marsupial’s devious plot came together for them. One can’t help but recall scenes from movies like Gremlins and Nightmare Before Christmas, in which cops received sudden streams of crazy calls about weird disturbances and finally realized the seemingly impossible stories were true … only a panty-raiding kangaroo is kind of even a weirder conclusion than Mogwais gone bad or a holiday-happy singing skeleton.
According to IOL, Petr disavowed all knowledge of his pet’s habits, saying “I’ve got no idea what he thought he was up to—he certainly didn’t pick up the habit from me.” We think thou doth protest too much, dude.