It’s hard to believe, but this is my 52nd post here at SexIs. It feels like just yesterday I was writing my first post about how “clown porn is not as funny as you think it’s going to be and should be stopped at all costs”. I’d like to think that in the last year I’ve grown as a person and have become more open-minded so I decided to celebrate my 52nd post by exploring the very thing I was horrified by only a short year ago: the sexiness of clowns.
I wanted to do the subject justice so I bought several clown costumes, got dressed and walked into Victor’s office. I should mention that Victor has a severe phobia of clowns and was not expecting this. This is when I learned that the element of surprise is not sexy at all when you’re dressed as a clown, and also that Victor has very poor aim when he’s crouched under his desk in terror, which was fortunate because the stapler he threw at me just bounced off the door. So first lesson? Warn people before you show up in their offices dressed like this:
Also, be prepared to duck if someone throws a stapler at you.
This is when I asked Victor to “grade my level of sexiness” and he just glared at me. Then I explained that this was for work and he pushed me out of his office and shut the door. Then I growled rather provocatively “There’s room in here for two, you know” and I could hear him drag something heavy in front of the door. So on a scale of 0 to 10 I’d say it was a negative 8.
Then I got into my next outfit…
…and waited until Victor came out to go to the bathroom and then I sprang at him but I yelled “DO NOT HIT ME” when I did it just to be safe. I wasn’t too worried though because the stapler was still laying out in the hall. Then Victor looked kind of wild-eyed and appalled and he was all “What happened to the girl I married?” and I was like “You knew what you were getting into” and he said “NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS” and I explained that “ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO GIVE ME PROPER FEEDBACK ON HOW SEXY THESE CLOWN COSTUMES ARE”. Then he just put his head in his hands and I reminded him that the faster he could tell me what he thought, the faster I could get back into normal clothes and so he took a deep breath and said “Fine. There is not enough Viagra in the world to make a clown sexy. There’s your verdict. Not sexy. Now please change”.
And I totally did. I changed into another clown outfit.
This time he just looked at me warily when I walked into the room and I was all “See. Goth clown. Totally sexy, right?” and Victor said “No” and I was all “Are you kidding me? I’m like the hottest clown ever” and he said “You look like if Peter Criss from KISS and Bozo the Clown had a baby” and I was all “But in a totally sexy way, right?” and Victor just turned around and tried to ignore me. Then I yelled “YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME SOMETHING HERE” and so he sighed deeply and said "Fine. I want to stab you slightly less in that outfit than in the others”.
So I guess we’ve both grown.
PS. In honor of my 52nd post I’m giving away a clown outfit to a random person who tweets in the Bloggess is... contest this week. And if you don’t like clown dress-up it doubles as a burberry-ish tablecloth that you can give to your mother-in-law for Christmas. Because nothing says “Christmas” like an oversized table-cloth/clown costume that no one ever had sex in.

I wanted to do the subject justice so I bought several clown costumes, got dressed and walked into Victor’s office. I should mention that Victor has a severe phobia of clowns and was not expecting this. This is when I learned that the element of surprise is not sexy at all when you’re dressed as a clown, and also that Victor has very poor aim when he’s crouched under his desk in terror, which was fortunate because the stapler he threw at me just bounced off the door. So first lesson? Warn people before you show up in their offices dressed like this:

Also, be prepared to duck if someone throws a stapler at you.
This is when I asked Victor to “grade my level of sexiness” and he just glared at me. Then I explained that this was for work and he pushed me out of his office and shut the door. Then I growled rather provocatively “There’s room in here for two, you know” and I could hear him drag something heavy in front of the door. So on a scale of 0 to 10 I’d say it was a negative 8.
Then I got into my next outfit…

…and waited until Victor came out to go to the bathroom and then I sprang at him but I yelled “DO NOT HIT ME” when I did it just to be safe. I wasn’t too worried though because the stapler was still laying out in the hall. Then Victor looked kind of wild-eyed and appalled and he was all “What happened to the girl I married?” and I was like “You knew what you were getting into” and he said “NO ONE COULD HAVE PREDICTED THIS” and I explained that “ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO GIVE ME PROPER FEEDBACK ON HOW SEXY THESE CLOWN COSTUMES ARE”. Then he just put his head in his hands and I reminded him that the faster he could tell me what he thought, the faster I could get back into normal clothes and so he took a deep breath and said “Fine. There is not enough Viagra in the world to make a clown sexy. There’s your verdict. Not sexy. Now please change”.
And I totally did. I changed into another clown outfit.

This time he just looked at me warily when I walked into the room and I was all “See. Goth clown. Totally sexy, right?” and Victor said “No” and I was all “Are you kidding me? I’m like the hottest clown ever” and he said “You look like if Peter Criss from KISS and Bozo the Clown had a baby” and I was all “But in a totally sexy way, right?” and Victor just turned around and tried to ignore me. Then I yelled “YOU HAVE TO GIVE ME SOMETHING HERE” and so he sighed deeply and said "Fine. I want to stab you slightly less in that outfit than in the others”.
So I guess we’ve both grown.
PS. In honor of my 52nd post I’m giving away a clown outfit to a random person who tweets in the Bloggess is... contest this week. And if you don’t like clown dress-up it doubles as a burberry-ish tablecloth that you can give to your mother-in-law for Christmas. Because nothing says “Christmas” like an oversized table-cloth/clown costume that no one ever had sex in.

Goth clown rocks. Not sinister in the slightest. (I'm soooo having clown nightmares tonight.)
Agreed. Goth clown all the way. But is that a picture of broccoli in the background? That's going to leave any clown with a bad after taste. Promote pineapples. Just a suggestion.
These pictures are SO going into my porn folder for future use.
It's actually a picture of asparagus. It was a gift.
Oh, thank you, Bloggess! You are wrong in all of the right ways!
So thanks to you I had to search the web for sexy clown images, and I can report back that even Pamela Anderson does not look hot in a clown outfit.
For next year, maybe Victor has to try on the outfit and surprise you?
Hey hold it now, some people find clowns incredibly sexy. Like this girl []
However, I'm with Victor. Clowns are terrifying.
Oh come on, he didn't find you totally adorable in outfit # 2? Clearly Victor is having problems with his vision. You're a cutie patootie! Outfit # 3 is totally awesome for a Halloween costume too.
Oh dude, outfit #3 would be perfect for Burning Man this year! I'm not sure what the contest is, but I'd love to enter and end up with that.
It's the right combination of Horrifying and Sexy that's perfect for Burning Man. Or a zombie crawl. Or heck, dinner with my Mom!
What? No Catholic School Girl Clown? You disappoint me.
I just found this column and I am literally crying from laughing so hard! I can't wait to read the other blogs!!!
I think I may feel bad for your husband.... But his suffering is so f-ing funny that I forget. And I think you make a pretty hot goth clown.
You were totally hot in outfits 2 and 3 but number 3 was the best and actually turned me on! You are one sexy clown!