Rose panty vibrator

Upside Down, Right Side, Home, Car, Bar, take it EVERYWHERE and get revved up or achieve ooohhhhsss

This is a toy for both home and away and going someplace. You want something that you only know, or you and your partner know about, and have fun while the rest of the world is oblivious to what is going on. PANTY SECRET can give you the orgasm you want alone or with your partner. Use it to get off or prep for oral or other sexual activities down the road. The bag allows you to put it away in your purse when you want to take it off. Simple to recharge and does so quickly. It's a pleasure.
-Can be carried EVERYWHERE
-Multi-position gives different feelings
-Discreet, Only U know
-Power button should be farther away and different from mode button on the remote
Rating by reviewer:
extremely useful review

First impression

We got the delivery of the box, and as per EdenFantasys, it was nondescript but tightly packed. We opened the box, and you could see that this PANTY SECRET was going to be something different. In the past, if we bought a device and it only came with the device and instructions, then wrapped in plastic, that was enough. If more was included, then it would come in a box. We immediately saw the box, and our interest was piqued more. The box looked nice and was wrapped in plastic. Upon unwrapping the plastic and opening the box, you see why. Inside, the first item you see is the PANTY SECRET. It is striking. You see this rose thing, later identified as the magnet, upon a black background of the SECRET. I picked it up and felt it had some weight. My husband said, heft, and both of us agreed it felt solid and compact. Looking further into the box, you see the instructions, cord for charging, the remote, and wait for it...a CARRYING BAG. Yes, you will use this bag and love it to hold it when you go out with the PANTY SECRET. We also found an additional battery beside the one inside the remote. It may seem odd, but the bags for your toys to carry in a purse, or backpack, is a small pleasure because now you know that EDENFANTASYS does not want you just to use their toys at home, but EVERYWHERE you go. We were more than filled with excitement about the presentation and the attention with which EDENFANTASYS presented this toy. As an FYI, we kept the box for a toy that does not have a bag yet. Now, this toy can travel along with the PANTY SECRET.

First Use

The first use. This was really a two-part explanation on my part. I told my husband as we looked at the instructions to go ahead and wash the toy and come back to me. He did, and we read the instructions which state that best to recharge before each use. However, excitement overcame me, and I wanted to try it NOW. He removed the plastic from the battery compartment of the remote and hit a button, and immediately the PANTY SECRET started. I told him to stop it as I had not placed it yet. The first lesson about the PANTY SECRET, you can't wear it with a string thong. I had to get my athletic underwear to use it. Best to use with tight-fitting underwear. Another question that I asked is which way is up and which way is down? Is there a correct way for this? The future answer, NO. Whichever way gets you going. Also, I learned that different ways I placed the PANTY SECRET got me in different moods. I placed the SECRET and then clipped the rose magnet on the outside of my panties to secure it. I told him to go for it, and he started to cycle through the different modes. I could feel it immediately, and it was a DELIGHT. Oh yes. I immediately noticed the difference is the two key points. One is more tapered than the other. But at the moment, it was JOY JOY JOY. He was cycling through the remote, and I was just enjoying it, and whereas I was sort of sitting up I noticed I started to recline to lie flat on my back. I was getting more and more aroused, and then, it died!!! Wait, it has not been 30 minutes yet. This is why they tell you to recharge BEFORE each use, but when you want it now, as soon as you get it, you take your risk that it is not fully charged. Anyway, I was wound up, and I told him to finish me off because I was too close to not get my oooohhhh. Afterward, we washed the SECRET and immediately charged it up. That was the first use which led to immediate future uses.

Further Experience

The following morning, my husband unplugged the PANTY SECRET and went to work. He works close to home, and I am currently working from home. We usually eat lunch together, but two things were going through my mind that day. First, I was more and more intrigued, and impressed, and wanted to know if the PANTY SECRET could get me off alone. Second, I was not having a great day as the endless video meetings were a drag, but I felt like nothing was getting accomplished. If we masturbate, it is usually in front of each other. Or if alone, it is because one of us is away from the other on a trip or visiting family. I kept walking from my office to my bedroom. Why? I don't know. Was I subconsciously thinking about the PANTY SECRET? Did it keep calling me? Yes, I looked at the time, and it was before my husband would be home for lunch and I got that baby, and this time I placed it upside down so the tapered part was on top and the larger side was on the bottom. I held the remote and started going through the cycles. Tension was being released, and the feeling was great. I was getting close and close to an orgasm that I put down the remote and pressed my hand on the SECRET to really get it in there. I had an incredible orgasm. Later my husband called, and when he got home, I told him. He was sorry that he missed it and told me I would have to do a repeat performance another time. Other times we have used it are in a noisy bar but don't sit on the wooden bar stools because the vibrations make noise, and people will look at you strangely that your seat is vibrating. In the car on the way to a party. While walking in the neighborhood, so we know what we are going to do after the walk. I did not wear it to the holiday party as I knew too many people and did not want them to know what I do privately.

The functions of the PANTY SECRET are good. I like the power and the ability to turn the SECRET in any direction to use on my body. Would I like it to last longer than 30 minutes? Part of me says yes, and part of me says no. When in the house and we know we are going to mess around then this does its work by with stimulation as I want my husband to be involved with my orgasms either orally or by getting inside me. However, when we are going out walking or driving or at a bar with a cover-band, the excitement of PANTY SECRET makes the 30 minutes go by TOO QUICKLY. Yes, we carry a portable charger and so the ride back home is just as fun. The bag keeps things secret in my purse and allows me to put it away when I get someplace and go to the restroom to take it off. I have kept it in place with my underwear pantyhose only sans underwear, as well as with biker shorts under my dress, again sans underwear. The texture felt good, and I did not need any lube. The excitement and anticipation were enough for me. The size is nice, and I believe it will work for any person.

With the PANTY SECRET, I like the magnet concept better than the concept of the straps like the old butterfly. The reason is that with the straps, it would be seen under a dress when going out, whereas the magnet holds the SECRET in place even when walking or swaying to the music. I did not try it while dancing in a pit or slam dancing during the cover-bands playing at the bars.

I can see and/or would like it if EDENFANTASYS made an attachment device to go along with the PANTY SECRET that could act as a mini thrusting dildo or for the g-spot. The reason for attachment and not a permanent piece is that I do like the flexibility of turning the PANTY SECRET around depending on what I want to achieve.

Vibration Map

I felt that BOTH spots were Strong and easily felt vibrations. However, I felt that the tapered end of the PANTY SECRET, the opposite end of the magnet, I was able to push it more directly onto the clitoris. However, for other women, it might be different. It all depends on the lips and sensitivity. With the remote as well as directly on the SECRET, you can transition, besides the different vibrations themselves, the intensity of the vibrations from low to high. I like that, so I start off with the low and build-up and don't go in blazing. I also found that my positioning of the SECRET depended on what I was doing. Standing vs. lying back. Walking vs. swaying to the music. Also, even when lying down, lying flat vs. lying on the OOMPH (which we bought, have, used, and reviewed from EDENFANTASYS) was better as it seemed to really wedge in my lips and could easily be taken off quickly for my husband to finish me off orally. Again, I really don't think there is a right side up with the PANTY SECRET. It should be tried both ways and when doing different things to see which way is best for your body.
  • Very mild, low level vibration
  • Moderate vibration
  • Strong and easily felt vibration

Orgasm Intensity

As I stated before, I use this toy for my own orgasms as well as for "prepping" in my lovemaking with my husband. I also used it to keep the anticipation going when we used it driving to a party as well as when we were at a "cover-band" bar concert. During these times I did not want an orgasm but wanted to thrill of doing something not in the bedroom nor in the house. I wanted to feel like we had something going on and doing something that no one else would know, maybe except the person who stared at me when I had it on the wooden bar stool, and he could feel the vibrations.

When I did achieve orgasm with the PANTRY SECRET on my own, was it as intense as using the WANDERLOVE? No. However, this is a different type of orgasm because we, myself, and my husband were thinking of the different places we could use this and scenarios. Yes, I can / could get myself off with the PANTY SECRET, and it was a strong orgasm, but the build-up with the SECRET makes my orgasms even more intense.

For me, the tapered end does more because I can "get it in there" better. However, each person is different, and therefore like I said, each end can do the trick to get you where you want. I do like the numbs at the end that assist in the rubbing and those were perfect size.
Pleasure Meter

This is how
I describe
my orgasm

Follow-up commentary
This PANTY SECRET continues to be our go to when going out or coming home from someplace and we want to get-it-on later. While we drive someplaces, other times we use a car service / taxi and it continues to be quiet enough that the drivers do not know. They have the radio on low or certain ones have a divider which blocks sounds from the back to the front. The toy continues to warm things up and depending on the situation will bring to a climax. While I control the buttons on the remote from my pocket if I get a signal that she does not want to climax just yet, she will tell me to stop it. The small package continues to allow us to use it and then she will go the restroom real quick to remove. In her purse we now carry a small recharger that makes sure that drives back it will not run out of juice. During our walks at night I like to turn it on and off at times to see if she will jump from the starting and stopping of the PANTY SECRET. Still a fun toy and we continue to give it 5 stars.
This product was provided free of charge to the reviewer. This review is in compliance with the FTC guidelines.

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