Other Solar bullet reviews
Who needs a flashlight? by Carrie Ann
Sexy and Eco-Friendly by SparklingReviews
Peak Orgasm After Peak Oil by Hotflashes & Wetdreams
Next Time I'm going with WIND-Power! by Hot 'N Sexy TexasMama
A Small, Solar-Powered Bullet that's Great for Travel! by Safo Garcia
Going green will make you scream! by OpenMindedInOhio
Keeping the world clean one vibe at a time! by Holly Wood
Wow, awesome orgasm by babyblujems
The ultimate off-the-grid vibe!!!
This little vroomer isn't only for those who want to take a better care of our Mother Earth, it is also a perfect pleasure item for traveling, camping, bug-out bags, self-sustaining toy lovers, and those who want to have such a lovely vibrating toy even in the worst economic situations!
If you have never been thinking about worst case scenarios but now got interested then read on right now! You will appreciate every single detail!!!
This little vroomer isn't only for those who want to take a better care of our Mother Earth, it is also a perfect pleasure item for traveling, camping, bug-out bags, self-sustaining toy lovers, and those who want to have such a lovely vibrating toy even in the worst economic situations!
If you have never been thinking about worst case scenarios but now got interested then read on right now! You will appreciate every single detail!!!
Solar, Jack plug, Versatile, ALWAYS works even with a little light around, Ultimate "prepper's toy"
Not very powerful, Nor large enough to use internally, Too pinpoint
Whether you are someone who takes it serious to treat Mother Earth as tenderly as possible, or someone who doesn't want to rely on any extra power source, you will rejoice to see that the solar bullet has been invented! Or are you someone who hates to rely on the government or others to give you energy? Growling and hissing that though you are fully set up for solar energy already, but your toys still require batteries? Do you hate to mess with cords to plug your vibes in for a charge or just to use them for those short 20 minutes for some electric delight? Or do you just want to go camping somewhere, and not worry that you will run out of batteries or power? Then you will grab this little cuteness so happy that you just won't believe your eyes!
Though there are other solar bullets and one or two traditionally shaped solar vibes out there, none of them has such a reputation like the silver and black Solar Bullets with the neat little black panel and the multi-speed function! Offered to you for a very affordable price, working both in natural lights and artificial light sources!
It isn't an extremely powerful bullet though, but still enough both for beginners and advanced toy lovers, more sensitive users and the power queens who are willing to be satisfied with a little bit less strength for the sake of helping Mama Nature out!
It is mainly used as a clitoral teaser, and as it isn't waterproof you have to limit the pleasures of use only to other external spots. It doesn't mean though that you can't dare to slide it in just a wee bit to bask in some internal pleasures at the gate of your flesh, and males can also be content that it has enough vrooms to tease them too in lovely ways. Same goes for the rear entry use, more than a little arousing wouldn't be a good idea because of the non-waterproof quality, but the non-porosity offers the blessings of such delights. You can use it by yourself, or have your precious one titillate your spots with it, and with the right handling it can work wonderfully as a mating enhancer too! Not to mention the big advantages of the correctly sized and shaped bullets, which can slide into vibrating sleeves, pleasure rings, finger sleeves and clit attachments for traditional vibes!
Oh and that cool light spot on the tip! Have you ever been camping in the Darkness, trying to find something tiny and fussing about the lack of enough light? Let's say another toy you already got handy and placed nearby, but you couldn't find it gods dammit! The playful little light now serves as an essential tool as well, and we know that any survival kit needs at least a spot light! Your bug-out bag in your car will have that extra you would be missing if you got stuck somewhere, no vrooming little toys, no pleasures in the tough situations, oh my oh my...!!! So you have to have a Solar Bullet in there too, because pleasure times create endorphins, and a calm and happy mind is a clear mind to solve problems! Use of a pleasure toy justified for serious situations!
Though there are other solar bullets and one or two traditionally shaped solar vibes out there, none of them has such a reputation like the silver and black Solar Bullets with the neat little black panel and the multi-speed function! Offered to you for a very affordable price, working both in natural lights and artificial light sources!
It isn't an extremely powerful bullet though, but still enough both for beginners and advanced toy lovers, more sensitive users and the power queens who are willing to be satisfied with a little bit less strength for the sake of helping Mama Nature out!
It is mainly used as a clitoral teaser, and as it isn't waterproof you have to limit the pleasures of use only to other external spots. It doesn't mean though that you can't dare to slide it in just a wee bit to bask in some internal pleasures at the gate of your flesh, and males can also be content that it has enough vrooms to tease them too in lovely ways. Same goes for the rear entry use, more than a little arousing wouldn't be a good idea because of the non-waterproof quality, but the non-porosity offers the blessings of such delights. You can use it by yourself, or have your precious one titillate your spots with it, and with the right handling it can work wonderfully as a mating enhancer too! Not to mention the big advantages of the correctly sized and shaped bullets, which can slide into vibrating sleeves, pleasure rings, finger sleeves and clit attachments for traditional vibes!
Oh and that cool light spot on the tip! Have you ever been camping in the Darkness, trying to find something tiny and fussing about the lack of enough light? Let's say another toy you already got handy and placed nearby, but you couldn't find it gods dammit! The playful little light now serves as an essential tool as well, and we know that any survival kit needs at least a spot light! Your bug-out bag in your car will have that extra you would be missing if you got stuck somewhere, no vrooming little toys, no pleasures in the tough situations, oh my oh my...!!! So you have to have a Solar Bullet in there too, because pleasure times create endorphins, and a calm and happy mind is a clear mind to solve problems! Use of a pleasure toy justified for serious situations!
Who / How / What[ ? ]Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
- Couples
- Everyone
- Solo
Where[ ? ]Where / what types of places can this product be used?
- Anywhere
- Campus/roommate living
- On a bed only
Features[ ? ]What kind of features does this product offer?
- Travel friendly
Body / part areas[ ? ]What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
- All over body
- Clitoris
- Nipples
Material / Texture
Fully... Made... Of... Plastic!
What does it mean? It means cheers about everything in it!
Rated level 8 in safety, a seriously positive news for everyone's health, completely non-porous and phthalate-free, and can use all the lubes you want! Water-based? Sure! Silicone based? Hmmm... You betcha! Oil based? Oil based...? Yesss yesss yesss!
It is smooth and the silver version has the elegant shininess you, lover of the silver bullets adore, and the black version is what pleases the dark-souled fallen creatures. No, it is not made of real silver, dear vampires and wereWolves, this bullet won't harm you! Paired up with an also smooth, finely shaped black panel... Goth-hippie toy? Hell yeah!
Not to mention that it has no smell and no taste at all, best news for anyone who can't stand any weird or chemical reminders in a toy used for your beautifully organic body!
The smoothness is perfect for everybody who doesn't like any textures, and the coolness of the plastic bullet is excellent for any beginners too who are afraid of anything what has spikes and nubs and oh my oh my...! The tiny light nub is the only thing in it what can offer a little bit of extra tease, completely non-threatening with its funny quality of lighting up your flesh! Have you ever tried to put a light right under you fingertip? You nail glowing in a hilarious orange color? Who could resist to discover what other effects such a light-play could create? Well, I can't!
What does it mean? It means cheers about everything in it!
Rated level 8 in safety, a seriously positive news for everyone's health, completely non-porous and phthalate-free, and can use all the lubes you want! Water-based? Sure! Silicone based? Hmmm... You betcha! Oil based? Oil based...? Yesss yesss yesss!
It is smooth and the silver version has the elegant shininess you, lover of the silver bullets adore, and the black version is what pleases the dark-souled fallen creatures. No, it is not made of real silver, dear vampires and wereWolves, this bullet won't harm you! Paired up with an also smooth, finely shaped black panel... Goth-hippie toy? Hell yeah!
Not to mention that it has no smell and no taste at all, best news for anyone who can't stand any weird or chemical reminders in a toy used for your beautifully organic body!
The smoothness is perfect for everybody who doesn't like any textures, and the coolness of the plastic bullet is excellent for any beginners too who are afraid of anything what has spikes and nubs and oh my oh my...! The tiny light nub is the only thing in it what can offer a little bit of extra tease, completely non-threatening with its funny quality of lighting up your flesh! Have you ever tried to put a light right under you fingertip? You nail glowing in a hilarious orange color? Who could resist to discover what other effects such a light-play could create? Well, I can't!
- No odor
- Not porous at all
- Rigid
Design / Shape / Size
The little bullet has the total length of 2 1/4 inches with the tiny nub, and its cute diameter is 3/4 inch. The cord is 33 1/2 inches long, the jack plug is 1 inch long with its extra 1/2 inch shiny sting to... Ehem... Penetrate the fine black panel. That beautiful blackness is 3 inches long, 2 1/8 inches wide and 1/2 inch thick.
The design has the simple elegance of noble qualities, with the moderate shininess of the plastic panel, and everything is compactly handy and comfortable to hold. It is soooooooooo small and discreet that you can hide it anywhere anywhere anywhere, and it would be pretty damn ridiculous if anyone ever said it is hard to tuck it away for travel purposes!
And I haven't even mentioned one of the best things in the construction!
I have just tried it with the micro sized Jesse's Petite Treats bullet, it works! I have tried it with the Xtreme Pack G-spot Bullet too, oh my those vrooms...! (Yes, the different bullets mean different strength, thank God - oh my, I HAVE FOUND A NEW LOVER...!!!) What does this mean? This means that now you are probably going to hoard all those little and truly affordable jack plug bullet vibes, stash the engines wherever you please, and flood a nice pouch full with the solar engine and bullet, and all the other jack bullets you have! Most delicious mini treat ever? Oh who would say it isn't?! Run ALL PURELY on solar? Wasn't it your dream when you were fantasizing about a greener vibe with no chargers and batteries needed? Have I just given one of the best toy-ideas of your life ever? Have I??? I bet you caught your breath and ran to try them now!!! Having your own little pouch full of sheer solar goodies finally? Good giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl!
The design has the simple elegance of noble qualities, with the moderate shininess of the plastic panel, and everything is compactly handy and comfortable to hold. It is soooooooooo small and discreet that you can hide it anywhere anywhere anywhere, and it would be pretty damn ridiculous if anyone ever said it is hard to tuck it away for travel purposes!
And I haven't even mentioned one of the best things in the construction!
I have just tried it with the micro sized Jesse's Petite Treats bullet, it works! I have tried it with the Xtreme Pack G-spot Bullet too, oh my those vrooms...! (Yes, the different bullets mean different strength, thank God - oh my, I HAVE FOUND A NEW LOVER...!!!) What does this mean? This means that now you are probably going to hoard all those little and truly affordable jack plug bullet vibes, stash the engines wherever you please, and flood a nice pouch full with the solar engine and bullet, and all the other jack bullets you have! Most delicious mini treat ever? Oh who would say it isn't?! Run ALL PURELY on solar? Wasn't it your dream when you were fantasizing about a greener vibe with no chargers and batteries needed? Have I just given one of the best toy-ideas of your life ever? Have I??? I bet you caught your breath and ran to try them now!!! Having your own little pouch full of sheer solar goodies finally? Good giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl!
- Beginner
- Discreet look/design
- Partner play
Functions / Performance / Controls
It's multi-speed it's multi-speed it's multi-speed!!! Something I didn't expect at first glance, but oh my oh my, it is better than I imagined!
First you plug it in. Then you rejoice. (Before anything else, c'mon, isn't it amazing that it has a jack plug?) Then you look for the little sliding knob on the very bottom, on the left side. (Whereas the plug hole is on the right side, close to them bottom.) Now you can start to slide it towards the jack plug to turn it on and increase speed too. Now you rejoice even more! Did the light surprise you? I must confess I never looked at it or read it has any, because I just already knew that no matter what, I've gotta have one, so I wasn't determined to read anything about it... (Sorry dear reviewers, I know as one too that we pour our hearts into our reviews to give all the good info for others, without being read it is worth nothing pretty much...)
And focus on those vrooms a little bit now... Did the strength surprise you? I know, I already knew it wouldn't be like Hitachi, but I wondered as hell too, and when I tried it in real use, oh my, yes, it isn't THAT powerful, but it was enough to give what I wanted it to offer!
On the top of that it is really silent!
When you hold it in your hand on full speed it will be a little louder of course, but lush thighs have the advantage of swallowing a lot of it away, so I can assure you that nobody will hear it unless the person is right next to you! With this, I assume that let's say if someone was sitting a few feet away from you then (s)he wouldn't hear anything with enough distance, and let's say some music or a movie on. Grab a good close friend quick to check it out, have her/him move to the corner of the room, place it between your thighs, and ask if it can be heard! I bet my butts on it that it will be heard only from a few feet away!
So here is the other test then. Get the Solar Bullet. Wait until your room mates are asleep. Turn it on under the blankets. If anyone wakes up I doubt it will be because of it, rather some scary bad dreams, of not having such lovely hidden pleasures, oh yeah, you know people can feel in their dreams what you think, so keep it quiet and share the pleasure in your roommates' dreams!
Let's move to other, finer details of the performance...
The vrooms can be felt rather in the lighted tip, and to me it feels like the large surface has more of it than the tiny light spot. It still has plenty of it too though. This also means that towards the bottom, where the two parts of the bullet are separated, you can barely feel any vrooms. It allows you to play with the different levels of strength over the length of the bullet, moving it up and down on your flesh to experiment with what you like the best. Even more speeds offered with this little trick? Yeah I know, the wonders of technology and curiosity...
Of course, as you have already figured out, there is nothing at all in this little wonder what would be hard to use. And though it is not waterproof and you have to be VERY-VERY careful with the lubes, it is still something what you wanna have in your collection, especially if you are afraid that the power grid would ever go down, see catastrophes, solar or man-made EMP, too high prices of basic essentials, hyperinflation, on-the-run situations, or just a rural place where electricity is a tightly used or non-existing thing. And camping. And off-the-grid. And camping. And bugging out. Oh and did I mention traveling and camping?
First you plug it in. Then you rejoice. (Before anything else, c'mon, isn't it amazing that it has a jack plug?) Then you look for the little sliding knob on the very bottom, on the left side. (Whereas the plug hole is on the right side, close to them bottom.) Now you can start to slide it towards the jack plug to turn it on and increase speed too. Now you rejoice even more! Did the light surprise you? I must confess I never looked at it or read it has any, because I just already knew that no matter what, I've gotta have one, so I wasn't determined to read anything about it... (Sorry dear reviewers, I know as one too that we pour our hearts into our reviews to give all the good info for others, without being read it is worth nothing pretty much...)
And focus on those vrooms a little bit now... Did the strength surprise you? I know, I already knew it wouldn't be like Hitachi, but I wondered as hell too, and when I tried it in real use, oh my, yes, it isn't THAT powerful, but it was enough to give what I wanted it to offer!
On the top of that it is really silent!
When you hold it in your hand on full speed it will be a little louder of course, but lush thighs have the advantage of swallowing a lot of it away, so I can assure you that nobody will hear it unless the person is right next to you! With this, I assume that let's say if someone was sitting a few feet away from you then (s)he wouldn't hear anything with enough distance, and let's say some music or a movie on. Grab a good close friend quick to check it out, have her/him move to the corner of the room, place it between your thighs, and ask if it can be heard! I bet my butts on it that it will be heard only from a few feet away!
So here is the other test then. Get the Solar Bullet. Wait until your room mates are asleep. Turn it on under the blankets. If anyone wakes up I doubt it will be because of it, rather some scary bad dreams, of not having such lovely hidden pleasures, oh yeah, you know people can feel in their dreams what you think, so keep it quiet and share the pleasure in your roommates' dreams!
Let's move to other, finer details of the performance...
The vrooms can be felt rather in the lighted tip, and to me it feels like the large surface has more of it than the tiny light spot. It still has plenty of it too though. This also means that towards the bottom, where the two parts of the bullet are separated, you can barely feel any vrooms. It allows you to play with the different levels of strength over the length of the bullet, moving it up and down on your flesh to experiment with what you like the best. Even more speeds offered with this little trick? Yeah I know, the wonders of technology and curiosity...
Of course, as you have already figured out, there is nothing at all in this little wonder what would be hard to use. And though it is not waterproof and you have to be VERY-VERY careful with the lubes, it is still something what you wanna have in your collection, especially if you are afraid that the power grid would ever go down, see catastrophes, solar or man-made EMP, too high prices of basic essentials, hyperinflation, on-the-run situations, or just a rural place where electricity is a tightly used or non-existing thing. And camping. And off-the-grid. And camping. And bugging out. Oh and did I mention traveling and camping?
- Discreet sound
- Easy to use
- Long lasting power
Care and Maintenance
Oh the plastic toys! Oh the non-porosity! Oh gods bless all the safety of them, all the three kinds of lubricants to use with it, and the smooth surface to tantalize your skin!
As it is NOT waterproof like I mentioned you want to be very careful when you play with sliding it into your flesh a little bit, just like with the lubes of your choice, and with cleaning this little miracle! That can be mighty easy though, because not only some moisture and some mild soapy fabric will fix it for you, but isopropyl alcohol (nope, not bleach) has the same excellent effect too to keep your precious treat clean and fine and yummmy...
I would advice you to keep it in a dry place at all costs, and though plastic is a tough little thing able to go through a lot of harshness, the solar panel is such a precious thing to be happy for that you don't want to drop it or injure it in any other ways! The large enough bubble wrap it arrives in would be a perfect decision to keep for it, but a soft and thick enough pouch can also serve as the appreciated keeper of your highly valued pleasure toy! Traveling should be taken as seriously, and it really can't cause any problems because the tiny size fits into anything, so you won't have to worry about its size and its safeness.
As it is NOT waterproof like I mentioned you want to be very careful when you play with sliding it into your flesh a little bit, just like with the lubes of your choice, and with cleaning this little miracle! That can be mighty easy though, because not only some moisture and some mild soapy fabric will fix it for you, but isopropyl alcohol (nope, not bleach) has the same excellent effect too to keep your precious treat clean and fine and yummmy...
I would advice you to keep it in a dry place at all costs, and though plastic is a tough little thing able to go through a lot of harshness, the solar panel is such a precious thing to be happy for that you don't want to drop it or injure it in any other ways! The large enough bubble wrap it arrives in would be a perfect decision to keep for it, but a soft and thick enough pouch can also serve as the appreciated keeper of your highly valued pleasure toy! Traveling should be taken as seriously, and it really can't cause any problems because the tiny size fits into anything, so you won't have to worry about its size and its safeness.
- Easy to clean
- Easy to store
All hail the keepers of greenness!
Though trees are killed for the sake of environmentally friendly materials, Mother Nature doesn't know difference between life and death. As it is just a big-big cycle of life for Her, as long as enough trees are around (let's wish it will always stay like that) you won't have to worry that a pure paper package holds this tiny miracle of green technologies! Its advantage is that it is biodegradable, meaning that Mama Earth can take it back into her loving bosom, and it is also recyclable, meaning that you can save even more trees, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!
The design has the admired style for the lovers of our beautiful ancient surroundings, and other than those green pretty leaves hanging out all over the package you also see a picture of this lovely vibe on the front, on the back, and the plentiness of informations shown are more than satisfying for anyone who receives this wonder of good intentions...
It also says that it requires 8 hours to have a full charge to run for 60 minutes, but I must admit that I was much more interested in the toy itself than anything else in the whole package, and I just rushed to try it without paying any attention to charging and what not. Because hey! I have seen it running in any lights, so I just assumed that I just take it out, plug it in, turn it on, and yep, it works, it works all the time though I have been keeping it in its package for all this time to review it, and I have never been without power, it works EVERY SINGLE TIME you turn it on! Seeing that it needs NO CHARGING AT ALL to run for minutes and minutes and minutes (I haven't tried it for longer than about 20 so far) I can surely say that as soon as it has a wee bit of light it will run on full power! Challenge me if I am not right, I will accept it with full pride and confidence!
One more note on the package...
Though it has been serving me just fine as a storage solution, with the neat bubble wrap for the toy itself, as it is large and not such a strong kind of paper I would rather bid bye-bye to it if I was you, and just find a smaller and cushy pouch or something similar for this lovely one. Will be wiser in every way, believe me... You have already managed it? Good giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl!
Though trees are killed for the sake of environmentally friendly materials, Mother Nature doesn't know difference between life and death. As it is just a big-big cycle of life for Her, as long as enough trees are around (let's wish it will always stay like that) you won't have to worry that a pure paper package holds this tiny miracle of green technologies! Its advantage is that it is biodegradable, meaning that Mama Earth can take it back into her loving bosom, and it is also recyclable, meaning that you can save even more trees, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!
The design has the admired style for the lovers of our beautiful ancient surroundings, and other than those green pretty leaves hanging out all over the package you also see a picture of this lovely vibe on the front, on the back, and the plentiness of informations shown are more than satisfying for anyone who receives this wonder of good intentions...
It also says that it requires 8 hours to have a full charge to run for 60 minutes, but I must admit that I was much more interested in the toy itself than anything else in the whole package, and I just rushed to try it without paying any attention to charging and what not. Because hey! I have seen it running in any lights, so I just assumed that I just take it out, plug it in, turn it on, and yep, it works, it works all the time though I have been keeping it in its package for all this time to review it, and I have never been without power, it works EVERY SINGLE TIME you turn it on! Seeing that it needs NO CHARGING AT ALL to run for minutes and minutes and minutes (I haven't tried it for longer than about 20 so far) I can surely say that as soon as it has a wee bit of light it will run on full power! Challenge me if I am not right, I will accept it with full pride and confidence!
One more note on the package...
Though it has been serving me just fine as a storage solution, with the neat bubble wrap for the toy itself, as it is large and not such a strong kind of paper I would rather bid bye-bye to it if I was you, and just find a smaller and cushy pouch or something similar for this lovely one. Will be wiser in every way, believe me... You have already managed it? Good giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl!
- Recyclable
- Very informative
- Would make a nice gift
Personal comments
Many of my very personal comments have been written down into this review already, ideas and tips, fun and serious reasons alike, but I would still like to repeat why it can be essential and a must-have to own such a little perfection!
As we all know solar technology is something what is totally free ("Remember, the government doesn't own the Sun!"), so as long as one has the money to obtain the needed parts it will mean no costs for the rest of your life to pay for electricity and some other basic things you may not think of. For example solar power can be used to manage running water in your home too if you live in such an area, because with a well you have dug, a pump can function as the transferrer of running water into your home. It can also power many other things, for example if you have a greenhouse then a solar fan can take care of the proper ventilation, and as we know the Sun also heats up the ground, keeping in more heat for the Night. If you have a pond inside too it can provide enough moisture for your precious lil green friends.
Because of that one can be fully set up for solar power, though the only disadvantage is that if there is no sunshine there is no power for a while.
And I have the good news now! Seeing now that solar power is something you CAN live on, without having to rely on any other power sources (but it is always smart to have a backup system) you can also see that a solar vibe means CONSTANT power! My even more surprising experience with this little thing is that I was testing it in actual use when it was late Night and TOTAL Darkness already, and only a line of colored red rope lights in the room were on, and another red lighted lamp behind me. I took the Solar Bullet out of its package, and it was running like a dream for the entire time! It means that even if you barely have any lights it will still function perfectly!
Another note on the possible importance for those who want to have vibrations, no matter what...
Though life is mostly fine and dandy, sometimes easy, sometimes hard, for the most of the time everything is provided for the people of a country, and basically you never have to worry about basic means like food, power, water, comforts, entertainment etc... In theory the "Big Daddy", the mostly patriarchal governments give us everything we need and want, as long as we go to work and earn enough money to have the things in life.
If you like and know history at least on a basic level then you know that the powers that be aren't always for the wellbeing of people, and restrictions, wars and economical crisis are something one better pays attention to, because nothing lasts forever, and horrible things can happen in life without any obvious signs. If you are someone who never wants to give up the pleasures what don't only include human body and non-electric items then you also want to know that if you happen to live in a place where you can't be set up for a fully or half-self-sustaining lifestyle then in a major crisis or war things can go to hell, that is something I guess I don't have to explain...
And of course people are people, and even in the toughest times we want to survive, and enjoy life even when it isn't as good...
In such a situation, if you lost electricity, but still surviving enough, you would want to live with the blessings our body can give, because that extra pleasure of bodily love can cheer you up, keep you optimistic, and fill you with good feelings to be more balanced, calmer, jollier. A solar toy is something what you could still rely on if anything happened with the power grid...
(I must add that life would almost be impossible though if for example the Yellow Stone volcano got unleashed, turning the world pretty much into total Darkness, because not only your crops would fail, but probably your precious toy too... Though God knows, it really runs on barely any lights!)
And a last note on why a solar bullet is a most environmentally friendly thing for Mama Earth!
As we know large factories and industrial landscaping also hurt our poor Dearest Mother, and though a solar vibe is manufactured in such places too, it is still a better solution than any other power sources running 24/7 to poison our precious air and water! Even if they suddenly stopped, with no maintenance they could blow up after a while, ruining large areas like... Oh my, I don't even want to think of it now!
If everybody got set up for solar energy and similar powering then you could individually use your own objects to create power, and it would mean less smoke and poison to hurt Mother Nature! I bet many of you wish it was invented how to make every single pleasure toy solar, with the same different strengths and options we have nowadays! A little step it is to help such an intention if you have a solar vroomer, knowing that you could still have such a handy little thing for your pleasure, and maybe some hardcore green souls would even be willing to use only solar vibes, oh my! It made me laugh now, but it would be pretty cool anyway...
Ahhh am rambling! So if you want to be sure that you have vrooming pleasure toys for life then you want to grab a few Solar Bullets, and rejoice, rejoice that there is a toy what runs by itself, causing no troubles!
As we all know solar technology is something what is totally free ("Remember, the government doesn't own the Sun!"), so as long as one has the money to obtain the needed parts it will mean no costs for the rest of your life to pay for electricity and some other basic things you may not think of. For example solar power can be used to manage running water in your home too if you live in such an area, because with a well you have dug, a pump can function as the transferrer of running water into your home. It can also power many other things, for example if you have a greenhouse then a solar fan can take care of the proper ventilation, and as we know the Sun also heats up the ground, keeping in more heat for the Night. If you have a pond inside too it can provide enough moisture for your precious lil green friends.
Because of that one can be fully set up for solar power, though the only disadvantage is that if there is no sunshine there is no power for a while.
And I have the good news now! Seeing now that solar power is something you CAN live on, without having to rely on any other power sources (but it is always smart to have a backup system) you can also see that a solar vibe means CONSTANT power! My even more surprising experience with this little thing is that I was testing it in actual use when it was late Night and TOTAL Darkness already, and only a line of colored red rope lights in the room were on, and another red lighted lamp behind me. I took the Solar Bullet out of its package, and it was running like a dream for the entire time! It means that even if you barely have any lights it will still function perfectly!
Another note on the possible importance for those who want to have vibrations, no matter what...
Though life is mostly fine and dandy, sometimes easy, sometimes hard, for the most of the time everything is provided for the people of a country, and basically you never have to worry about basic means like food, power, water, comforts, entertainment etc... In theory the "Big Daddy", the mostly patriarchal governments give us everything we need and want, as long as we go to work and earn enough money to have the things in life.
If you like and know history at least on a basic level then you know that the powers that be aren't always for the wellbeing of people, and restrictions, wars and economical crisis are something one better pays attention to, because nothing lasts forever, and horrible things can happen in life without any obvious signs. If you are someone who never wants to give up the pleasures what don't only include human body and non-electric items then you also want to know that if you happen to live in a place where you can't be set up for a fully or half-self-sustaining lifestyle then in a major crisis or war things can go to hell, that is something I guess I don't have to explain...
And of course people are people, and even in the toughest times we want to survive, and enjoy life even when it isn't as good...
In such a situation, if you lost electricity, but still surviving enough, you would want to live with the blessings our body can give, because that extra pleasure of bodily love can cheer you up, keep you optimistic, and fill you with good feelings to be more balanced, calmer, jollier. A solar toy is something what you could still rely on if anything happened with the power grid...
(I must add that life would almost be impossible though if for example the Yellow Stone volcano got unleashed, turning the world pretty much into total Darkness, because not only your crops would fail, but probably your precious toy too... Though God knows, it really runs on barely any lights!)
And a last note on why a solar bullet is a most environmentally friendly thing for Mama Earth!
As we know large factories and industrial landscaping also hurt our poor Dearest Mother, and though a solar vibe is manufactured in such places too, it is still a better solution than any other power sources running 24/7 to poison our precious air and water! Even if they suddenly stopped, with no maintenance they could blow up after a while, ruining large areas like... Oh my, I don't even want to think of it now!
If everybody got set up for solar energy and similar powering then you could individually use your own objects to create power, and it would mean less smoke and poison to hurt Mother Nature! I bet many of you wish it was invented how to make every single pleasure toy solar, with the same different strengths and options we have nowadays! A little step it is to help such an intention if you have a solar vroomer, knowing that you could still have such a handy little thing for your pleasure, and maybe some hardcore green souls would even be willing to use only solar vibes, oh my! It made me laugh now, but it would be pretty cool anyway...
Ahhh am rambling! So if you want to be sure that you have vrooming pleasure toys for life then you want to grab a few Solar Bullets, and rejoice, rejoice that there is a toy what runs by itself, causing no troubles!
- Not enough variety
- Sensory play
- Smooth
My experience? I didn't expect it to be powerful, also thought that it would barely do anything for me, so I got it rather as a "survival toy". Yep, to have it when nothing else works anymore. I know, it sounds funny, but "prepare for the worst and hope for the best!"
In actual use indeed, it wasn't that powerful, but it was stronger than let's say the Fairy Baby Wand, another little cuteness in a small size and the amazing USB technology. (And USB IS SOLAR TOO, check out my review on the E-sensual Bullet to read about the solar emergency radios being able to charge any USB items!)
Because of that extra power it did help me to get what I wanted, and I have been in a situation when I totally forgot to bring any toys with myself for a 4 day long camping, having to rely on a vibrating razor... Oh you can imagine, but hey, it did work! If you have ever checked any of such razors out then you know what I mean, and the Solar Bullet is more powerful than that! Not much-much more, but the difference is clearly appreciable!
I can't think of any reasons why someone wouldn't want to own one, unless you are so very sure that your power grid will always be around. Well, I don't totally doubt it will be, but I don't want to be like countless people before, "ahhh, nothing will ever go wrong, we are fine and we are the cool people, baaaah, baaaaaah!" (No offense...) So I will get even more, put a few in my bug-out bag, stash one or two into the car, and keep a few more laying around or stored fine in O/our home too! God knows how long such a lovely little thing works, and I want to have it for the rest of my life! The best solar vibe in the whooole wide-wide world!!!
In actual use indeed, it wasn't that powerful, but it was stronger than let's say the Fairy Baby Wand, another little cuteness in a small size and the amazing USB technology. (And USB IS SOLAR TOO, check out my review on the E-sensual Bullet to read about the solar emergency radios being able to charge any USB items!)
Because of that extra power it did help me to get what I wanted, and I have been in a situation when I totally forgot to bring any toys with myself for a 4 day long camping, having to rely on a vibrating razor... Oh you can imagine, but hey, it did work! If you have ever checked any of such razors out then you know what I mean, and the Solar Bullet is more powerful than that! Not much-much more, but the difference is clearly appreciable!
I can't think of any reasons why someone wouldn't want to own one, unless you are so very sure that your power grid will always be around. Well, I don't totally doubt it will be, but I don't want to be like countless people before, "ahhh, nothing will ever go wrong, we are fine and we are the cool people, baaaah, baaaaaah!" (No offense...) So I will get even more, put a few in my bug-out bag, stash one or two into the car, and keep a few more laying around or stored fine in O/our home too! God knows how long such a lovely little thing works, and I want to have it for the rest of my life! The best solar vibe in the whooole wide-wide world!!!
- Environmentally friendly
- Minimal
- Rechargeable
Follow-up commentary
I still like it
2 months after original review
It's tucked into a tiny and most beautiful, glittery green, ribboned up box on my desk with other most precious little ones! Like the Solar Bullet, the Bell Nipple and Clit Clamps, love dice and what not!
So dear and so cherished that it is ready to be used anytime! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
So dear and so cherished that it is ready to be used anytime! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
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Yupyup dear Starshiptrooper84, I do think that it is the handiest vibe for a bugout bag, because you can include many other jack plug toys... And you should also include two steel dildos I think, because steel is the sturdiest, like a smaller and a larger one...
Oh, oh, not to mention the emergency radio, that way you can keep toys charged which use USB, for example I am hooked on the Pocket Fairy now because there is no other USB vibe I have met which is charged via USB and is as powerful as the Pocket Fairy!!!
And also, instead of the steel (because of the horrid weight) probably some other dildos and/or vibes would be better to have... Wood would be a good idea, not to mention that you can always burn it as emergency wood if needed... Master would definitely have me carry wooden dildos instead of steel! ~rofl
Dare to ask me about more ideas btw, I am always happy as hell to get into such topics and help!!!
And thank you for your kind comment too dear Nirelan...
That wow belongs to both the product and your review. Great one!