The hubby's plaything in more ways than one

The Dolphin Teaser has far more entertainment value than a sex toy. It's just plan a good toy for amusement, but it didn't work as a sex toy at all for me. It tickled way to much for that.
cute, entertaining
tickles, a bitch to keep clean
Rating by reviewer:
somewhat useful review
Somethings in life are way to much fun not to pass up. It's the classic must play with toy reaction that some people have, like my husband. He has his toys, not sex toys. He collects toys like Legos and Transformers and some action figures. It's just what he does. And he will play with them like a little kid will. It's cute to watch.

But he has a new toys. He has commandeered my Dolphin Teaser.

The Dolphin Teaser is a little TPR bullet and sleeve. The sleeve is dolphin shaped and had a ring on the end of it to slip over a finger to use it. It's light pink and very smooth to the touch. It is only three inches long. It's turned off and on with a push button and only has on power setting. It's phthalates free, hypo-allergenic, and latex free.

Usually I am not a big fan of TPR toys because they are such a bitch to keep clean and lint free, but I still picked this little cutie up.

My husband found the Dolphin Teaser to have more entertainment value than most of my other sex toys. He would turn it on and the nose of the little dolphin would shake. He would put it on his finger and laugh about it. This would happen a few times a day for a few weeks. Still happens from time to time.

It took some to to get the Dolphin Teaser back from my husband so that I could try it out as a sex toy. When I got to use the Dolphin Teaser it was only fair. When it hit my clit, it tickled so much that it was a turn off. It was that little vibrating nose that tickled so much.

My husband now has the Dolphin Teaser back as his toy. Actually even though he's gaming right now, he is putting it on and playing with it.
Follow-up commentary
The batteries in Dolphin Teaser really don't last very long at all. It still tickles when I use the little dolphin. I have tried just the bullet out and it still doesn't do a lot for me at all.
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  • Who / How / What
    [ ? ]
    Who might this product be best for? How is it best used? What are the best circumstances or situations for using this product?
    • Couples
    • Masturbation
    • Sex
  • Where
    [ ? ]
    Where / what types of places can this product be used?
    • Bedroom / on a bed
    • Campus/roommate living
    • Play party
  • Body / part areas
    [ ? ]
    What areas on the body can this product be used / what areas does it stimulate best?
    • Clitoris
Subscribe to comments
  • Contributor: toxie m
    How powerful is the bullet? Have you tried it without the little dolphin sleeve to solve the tickly issue?
  • Contributor: Lady Neshamah
    it's not that powerful and yes i did try it. It was just fair.

    that's why my husband now has it as a toy
  • Contributor: The Curious Couple
  • Contributor: Triple X Moma
    Great review! Thanks.
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